VeryApt / django-phone-field

Lightweight model and form field for phone numbers in Django
GNU General Public License v3.0
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django django-models django-phone-field


Lightweight model and form field for phone numbers in Django

This package is simple, lightweight, and without dependencies. However, it doesn't attempt to solve fancy problems or deal with international phone numbers. For a full-featured phone number package, take a look at django-phonenumber-field.


This package is designed for Python 3 and Django 1.10+. Install via:

pip install django-phone-field

Then add 'phone_field' to your INSTALLED_APPS setting.


In your

from django.db import models
from phone_field import PhoneField

class MyModel(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=128)
    phone = PhoneField(blank=True, help_text='Contact phone number')

PhoneField accepts standard options for a Django CharField. By default it sets max_length=31. Feel free to override this, set blank=True, etc. as you would otherwise.

There is one special argument, E164_only=False, which adds a form validator to only accept numbers in the E164 format (currently, only supported for US phone numbers).

In your template:

User {{ }} has phone number {{ }}


User Ted has phone number (415) 123-1233

Database representation

PhoneField attempts to coerce all phone numbers to the following format:

+[country code][number]x[extension]

where the extension part is optional. If the input phone number can't be coerced to this format, PhoneField gives up and simply stores it as-is.

Because all phone numbers are stored without formatting, you can set this field to be unique on a Django model and it will actually work.


Use the |phone template filter to attempt to display a formatted phone number from arbitrary text. Use the |raw_phone template filter to display the raw, un-formatted value.

Use property .is_E164 to check if a PhoneNumber object is in E164 format.

Also provided are .is_standard (E164 but with extensions allowed) and .is_usa.