Vheissu / aurelia-firebase-ssr-starter

An Aurelia starting application for working with Firebase, with support for server-side rendering. Also setup with the Aurelia Store plugin for state management.
MIT License
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Aurelia Firebase SSR Starter

An Aurelia starting application for working with Firebase, with support for server-side rendering.

What this starter includes

How to use this starter

This project skeleton assumes a few things; that you want an application with routing, you need a state management solution, you will be working with Firebase, you have authentication, you fetch data from Firebase and display it. More importantly, it also includes server-side rendering with initial state passed in from the server.



Server-side rendering

Because server-side rendering uses tasks. To run server-side rendering locally you need to run two tasks in two separate terminals, one watches the application itself and builds it, the other runs the development server.

Running both of these tasks will give you a local development server showcasing server-side rendering.

Building for server-side rendering

Unlike the above build tasks using the CLI, to build our SSR application we run the custom build:ssr task. It is worth keeping in mind this will do a production build for server-side rendering.

To build run the build:ssr task using Npm or Yarn:
