ViARSys / neosvr_github

NeosVR to GitHub connector
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GitHub Neos Connector

This is a Node.js application for pulling data out of GitHub, picking pieces of it out, and providing endpoints to retrieve the data formatted in away that is easy for Neos to ingest with LogiX.

Preview of the UI


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Within the installation directory run npm install.
  3. Copy the config.example.js file to config.js.
  4. Edit config.js and enter your personal access token from GitHub.
  5. From your command line, run node index.js.


Suggested use

Within Neos you can first call either /projects-by-org or /projects-by-repo to get a project ID. Use this as the parameter for /columns which will then give you a column id to use with /cards.