VianneyDoleans / BlogCore

Powerful .NET 8 Blog API. Create your own custom front-end or explore a complete blog API. Contains Swagger, OAuth2, Clean code, Resource based authorization, Advanced search (Specification pattern) and much more.
GNU General Public License v3.0
13 stars 8 forks source link
api blog blog-engine code-first-approach ddd-architecture dependency-injection dotnet dto entity-framework-core jwt jwt-authorization oauth2 permission-based-authorization repository-pattern resource-based-authorization service-pattern solid specification-pattern tests


Powerful .NET 8 Blog API

Create your own custom front-end or explore a complete blog API.

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Live demo : ## Powerful features - **Advanced search** by combining criteria (filters) on all resources - **Advanced user permissions management** by creating roles and permissions for users via the API at runtime (combination of **Permission-Based Authorization** & **Resource-based Authorization**) - ex: create a role "mini-moderator" with the permissions CanEdit own Posts, CanDelete All Comments, etc. - Default role(s) given to new users can also be defined via the API. - **Complete community features** (create comments on a post, like a comment or a post, add a comment on a comment, consult profiles, etc.) - **Configurable log system** that logs all user actions / events (implementation of [Serilog library](, can be connected to Kibana, Seq and other solutions, for monitoring) - **CRUD** is provided on all resources. Everything can be manipulated via endpoints, giving the possibility out-of-the-box to develop an admin interface or a mobile app. (current Swagger interface can act as an administrator interface) - **Pagination** strategy has been implemented. - **OAuth2.0 standard** (access / refresh token) has been implemented for authorization. - **Email SMTP configuration** : Email confirmation & password reset are provided by sending emails (can use Gmail SMTP server for example) ## Clean code - Good code coverage - The Project was developed by relying on guidelines from **DDD** (Domain Driven Design) and **Clean Code Book** by Robert C. Martin. - [SonarCloud]( used to ensure code quality - Implementation of **End-to-End Testing** to ensure the functioning of Blog Core API endpoints. - Utilization of [Resharper]( and [SonarLint]( during the development process to enhance code quality and consistency. - The project follows [Conventional Commits]( and [Git Feature Workflow with Develop Branch](, ensuring a clean and organized **git history** with meaningful and clear **commit messages**. - **Code Quality** is one of the main focuses on this project ## Compatibilities Compatible with Linux / Windows / MacOS and can be deployed with [SQL Server]( or [PostgreSQL]( database. [Docker]( is also available (Dockerfile at the root of the project). ## Technologies - [.NET 8]( - [EntityFramework]( - [Microsoft Dependency Injection (DI)]( - [FluentValidation]( - [Serilog]( - [Swashbuckle (Swagger)]( - [xUnit]( - [Moq]( - [AutoMapper]( ## Getting Started ### Prerequisites - Install [Microsoft SQL Server]( or [PostgreSQL]( - [Visual Studio]( (or [Rider]( with [Entity Framework Core UI Plugin]( ### Installation - Open ``appsettings.json`` file inside **BlogCoreAPI** project and edit the database settings : For **Microsoft SQL Server** : ```json "DatabaseProvider": "MsSQL", "ConnectionStrings": { "Default": "Server=.;Database=BlogCore;Integrated Security=True;TrustServerCertificate=True;" } ``` For **PostgreSQL** : ```json "DatabaseProvider": "PostgreSQL", "ConnectionStrings": { "Default": "Host=localhost;Port=5432;Database=BlogCore;Username=postgres;Password=[YourPassword];" } ``` Then in visual studio : 1. Set **BlogCoreApi** as project to run 1. Open the Package Manager Console (Tools -> Nuget Package Manager -> Package Manager Console). 2. In the package Manager Console, select **DBAccess** as Default project 3. Run the following commands: - **Microsoft SQL Server** ``` Add-Migration CreateInitialDatabase -Context MsSqlDbContext Update-Database -Context MsSqlDbContext ``` - **PostgreSQL** ``` Add-Migration CreateInitialDatabase -Context PostgreSqlDbContext Update-Database -Context PostgreSqlDbContext ``` 5. Now press F5 and run the application. 6. Refresh the page. The API was busy filling the default data in the database. Now it can respond. ## Default Users, Roles and Permissions ### Users Default users are : | User | Password | Role(s) | | ----------- |:----------------:| :--------------| | Sam | 0a1234A@ | User | | Frodon | 0a0000A@ | User | | Jamy | 0JamyRedactA@ | User, Redactor | | Fred | 0FredRedactA@ | User, Redactor | | AdminUser | 0adminPasswordA@ | User, Admin | ### Defalt Roles and Permissions Roles and permissions can be created / configured by API endpoints. The default configuration is : **User** : | | CanRead | CanCreate | CanUpdate | CanDelete | | -----------|:-------:| :--------:|:---------:|:----------:| | Category | All | | | | | Comment | All | Own | Own | Own | | Like | All | Own | Own | Own | | Post | All | | | | | Tag | All | | | | | User | All | X | X | X | | Role | All | | | | | Permission | All | | X | | | Account | Own | | Own | Own | **Redactor** : | | CanRead | CanCreate | CanUpdate | CanDelete | | -----------|:-------:| :--------:|:---------:|:----------:| | Category | | All | | | | Comment | | | | | | Like | | | | | | Post | | Own | Own | Own | | Tag | | All | | | | User | | X | X | X | | Role | | | | | | Permission | | | X | | | Account | | | | | **Admin** : | | CanRead | CanCreate | CanUpdate | CanDelete | | -----------|:-------:| :--------:|:---------:|:----------:| | Category | All | All | All | All | | Comment | All | All | All | All | | Like | All | All | All | All | | Post | All | All | All | All | | Tag | All | All | All | All | | User | All | X | X | X | | Role | All | All | All | All | | Permission | All | All | X | All | | Account | All | All | All | All | ## Wiki A wiki for this project is available on github : [link]( The wiki give more explanations about configuration, online deployment ([render](, [heroku]( and architecture of the project.