Welcome to the demo of Victoire DCMS and thank you for your interest. This is the best way to try Victoire and to discover all its features. Please, follow the install instructions to start.
composer create-project victoire/demo myVictoire "1.3.*@dev"
You're invited to set up the parameters that will be defined in the "app/config/parameters.yml" file. The default parameters are indicated between the () but you might need to insert different values regarding your environment.
Change domain names for yours in app/config/parameters.yml
demo.victoire.dev: fr
demo.victoire.io: fr
Available locale :
Create your database
php bin/console doctrine:database:create
And import the demo database with var/dump/db.sql
Then generate the view cache with the following command
php bin/console victoire:generate:view-cache
Then generate widgets css for each view
php bin/console victoire:widget-css:generate
Extract demo uploads in web folder
tar -zxvf var/dump/uploads.tar.gz -C web/
If you have not already installed bower, run the following command
npm install -g bower
Install Bower packages
bower install
If you have not already installed less, run the following command
npm install -g less
If you have not already installed sass, run the following command
gem install sass
Then dump assets
php bin/console assets:install web --symlink
php bin/console mopa:bootstrap:symlink:less
php bin/console assetic:dump
Setup your virtualhost as usual and go to http://demo.victoire.dev/app_dev.php/login (assuming your local virtualhost is called demo.victoire.dev) and enter these credentials to start to test Victoire:
Login | Password |
anakin@victoire.io |
test |
If you have any bug or problems, you can fork and commit your changes directly on Victoire Repo