VictorRancesCode / flutter_dialogflow

Flutter package for makes it easy to integrate dialogflow and support dialogflow v2
Apache License 2.0
214 stars 73 forks source link

Dialogflow v1 & v2 for Flutter apps.


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A new Flutter package.

Awesome Tutorials

Thanks for the tutorials!



Dialogflow v1

Dialogflow v2

Example: AuthGoogle authGoogle = await AuthGoogle(fileJson: "assets/your_file_downloaded_google_cloud.json", sessionId: "YOUR_CUSTOM_SESSION_ID").build(); Dialogflow dialogflow = Dialogflow(authGoogle: authGoogle,language: Language.ENGLISH); AIResponse response = await dialogflow.detectIntent("Hi!!!"); print(response.getMessage())


### Dialogflow For Flutter Web
Visit the repository: [Flutter Dialogflow Web]( 🚀