Vihangip / down2meet
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Down2meet is a solution for scheduling hangouts with friends. It gives users the ability to effortlessly organize and plan meet-ups while also fostering an engaging social networking experience within the platform. It eliminates the hassle of back-and-forths of group chat confusion by easily being able to request and accept hangouts and view when your friends are free to hangout


3-5 minimal requirements (will definitely complete)

  • [x] Create an account (set up profile)
  • [x] Log into the account
  • [x] Add/remove friend
  • [x] Share availability
  • [x] View planned activities
  • [x] Request/confirm a hangout

3-7 "standard" requirements (will most likely complete)

  • [x] Filter friends based on availability
  • [x] System saves the user’s default schedule times (fixed schedule ie. work hours)
  • [ ] System announcement of the availability and meet-up requests - Will not complete as it’s not fit for a website
  • [x] Create a friend group
  • [x] User can select who gets shown their availability

2-3 stretch requirements (plan to complete at least 1!)

  • [ ] Allowing users to upload/update their schedule
  • [ ] Using an API to upload their schedule from UBC, Google Calendar, etc.
  • [x] Sync events committed on the App to the user’s personal Google account (Google token for sign up may help with it); schedule changes made on the app would be reflected on their Google Calendar
  • [ ] Request meeting change -> WILL MEET (Can do so by chatting with the system and having it broadcast the request to the other members of the group)
  • [ ] Change language of the whole webapp (User can select the language of the webapp)
  • [ ] Log into different accounts, Select which account(s) to display schedule from (ie. work account, personal account)

Usage of Tech from Units 1-5

Above and Beyond Functionality

The above and beyond functionality for our site was using external APIs and libraries. The login functionality uses Google OAuth. This feature allows users to log in using their Google accounts, making the registration and login process more convenient for them. We also integrated Google Calendar API so events created or joined through the website automatically get added to the user’s Google Calendar. This feature makes keeping track of events easier for the users, but they can also opt not to connect to their Google Calendar

Next steps

To further improve the app, we wanted to add more functionality that would make our app be more practical in its use, such as improving on the privacy settings or creating a Notifications feature that many popular social media sites use at the moment. We also want a user to be able to restrict posts and their availability to a particular group and also be able to compare a groups common availability. As an extra stretch goal, turning this app into a mobile app would also make it much more practical for the concept of our project.


Group Name: down2meet

Group Members:

Project Description

Write 3-5 sentences on your project topic. Who is it for? What will it do? (What "human activity" will it support?)

This app is for a group of people who often need to select a meeting time when all members of the group are available. This will enable them to automatically see which day will be ideal for a meet-up without having to have a prolonged conversation and sequentially go through all potential dates.

There will be ...

  • An events tab that has your confirmed hangouts.
  • A feed that has everyone’s availability, where you can filter by day/time etc.
  • A "Hang Now" tab, where you can request and see immediate meet-up requests

What type of data will it store?

  • User accounts
  • Schedules
  • Activities

What will users be able to do with this data?

Users can friend other users, and choose who can see their meet-up requests and schedule (ie. family, close friends) Users can see their own schedule and friends’ schedules Users can see their planned activities and friends' activities

What is some additional functionality you can add/remove based on time constraints?

Include the option to select professional or casual mode (work v.s. fun mode)

Project task requirements

3-5 minimal requirements (will definitely complete)

  • [x] Create account (set up profile)
  • Log into account
  • Add/remove friend
  • Share availability
  • View planned activities
  • Request/confirm a hangout

3-7 "standard" requirements (will most likely complete)

  • Filter friends based on availability
  • System saves the user’s default schedule times (fixed schedule ie. work hours)
  • System announcement of the availability and meet-up requests
  • Create friend group, User can select who/which group gets shown their availability

2-3 stretch requirements (plan to complete at least 1!)

  • Allowing user to upload/update their schedule
  • Using an API to upload their schedule from UBC, Google Calendar, etc.
  • Sync events committed on the App to the user’s personal Google account (Google token for sign up may help with it); schedule changes made on the app would be reflected on their Google Calendar
  • Request meeting change -> WILL MEET (Can do so by chatting with the system and having it broadcast the request to the other members of the group)
  • Change language of the whole webapp (User can select the language of the webapp)
  • Log into different accounts, Select which account(s) to display schedule from (ie. work account, personal account)

Pick 2 of your minimal requirements and break each of them down into ~2-5 smaller tasks!

Share availability

  • User inputs their schedule
  • User uploads their schedule
  • The user's friends are able to see their schedule Request/confirm a hangout
  • User requests a meet-up with friends
  • Their friends confirm the meet-up
  • Users involved can record details of the hangout/activities
  • User can view details of their confirmed plan (data/time, activities)

Finally, draw 2-3 rough sketch prototypes of some key tasks of your app. Sketch these physically on paper and then scan and add to your repo.

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