VikhyatSharma17 / srms

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SRMS - Student Result Management System

Student Result Management System helps you manage the results of the students.

This is created as a BCA final year project for IGNOU.

Note: Currently the site supports only student profile and does not have any profile of teachers.

Technology Stack

The technology stack used are:

Developer Details

Design Inspirations:

Installation Requirements:

  1. Python with the packages mentioned in the requirements.txt file
  2. PostgreSQL installed on the system with a database called: srms. To create the database, run the following commands on terminal/cmd:

    :: open psql; enter postgres password when prompted.
    psql -U postgres
    :: create database
    CREATE DATABASE database_name;
    :: check databases
    :: switch to newly created database
    \c database_name
  3. Make migrations for Django to create the database tables using

    python makemigrations
    python migrate

Django Database Credentials:

  1. Create Django superuser for admin dashboard using below commands:
    python createsuperuser
    :: enter the username, email address and password as required.