VinceVal / SickRageInstaller

A Windows Installer for SickRage
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Can't connect from another computer after installing #23

Open dn604 opened 8 years ago

dn604 commented 8 years ago

After using the latest installer I have a few question. It installed fine and started up on the localhost, but from another computer on my network it would not connect using the local ip:port. I could still hit SAB and CouchPotato, so I knew it was a SB issue.

I was previously using SRTV and I started it using a .vbs script with the following code: Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") WshShell.Run chr(34) & "D:\dropbox\SickRage\SickRage\" & Chr(34), 0 Set WshShell = Nothing

If i start the new SB this way, I can connect externally again.

Can someone explain why it doesn't work out of the box externally?


dn604 commented 8 years ago

Well, looks like this was just a firewall issue, but I have never ever had to manual open anything in my firewall before like this. At times Windows itself might pop up that a connection is trying to come through, and then I allow/disallow. In order for me to access SR though, I had to manually add a firewall entry to allow 8081.

Not very intuitive for a standard user who might hit the same issue.

Anyway this can be fixed and completed during the installation?


labrys commented 8 years ago

@VinceVal can we add a .bat for manual start? e.g. something like:

net stop SickRage
Python\python.exe SickRage\ --datadir Data

This would allow SickRage to register with the user's firewall, as well as give an alternative method of starting SickRage.

Jackinow commented 7 years ago

Sorry for my bad english:

I know it's an old issue, but i haved this problem, if it can help an other people.... If you don't use the port 8081, you have to modify this: In the firewall, go to the rules about the autorisation of your applications. Select "sickrage" application, details, and modify the port.