VinceVal / SickRageInstaller

A Windows Installer for SickRage
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A Windows Installer for SickRage

NOTE: This installer intentionally ignores any existing installations of Git or Python you might already have installed on your system. If you would prefer to use those versions, we recommend installing SickRage manually.


Here are some of the features of SickRageInstaller:

The install script is written using the excellent Inno Setup by Jordan Russell.


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How It Works

First, the installer will grab a 'seed' file, located here. This has a list of the dependencies, the URLs they can be downloaded from, their size, and an SHA1 hash. It also uses this file to make sure the user is running the latest version of the installer.

Once the user steps through the pages of the wizard, the installer downloads the dependency files and verifies the SHA1 hash. It then installs them into the directory chosen by the user. Once the dependencies are installed, it uses Git to clone the SickRage repository.