VinceVal / SickRageInstaller

A Windows Installer for SickRage
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Unable to enable HTTPS feature on Windows (missing pyOpenSSL package) #26

Closed zeeter82 closed 8 years ago

zeeter82 commented 8 years ago

Not sure if this feature can be added or not as it seems that the latest build of pyOpenSSL doesn't have Windows binaries compiled yet.

I would really like to have SSL support though, so if there is a workaround available, please share :)


VinceVal commented 8 years ago

Hmm, according to @miigotu, pyOpenSSL is no longer needed:

@miigotu does this work?

zeeter82 commented 8 years ago

I got errors complaining about the pyOpenSSL package being missing, and that it couldn't find my certificate/key files....I left those file names as defaults because I assumed it would automatically generate them in the correct path.

I'm running Windows 10 Enterprise x64.

miigotu commented 8 years ago

Oversight on my part. pyOpenSSL is not needed for normal operation, nor if you supply your own ssl cert/key. To autocreate them you do need it.

zeeter82 commented 8 years ago

Then I guess that's my issue. I will need to generate them myself so I don't have to worry about that package. (hopefully this is possible on Windows...I would think it would be)

zeeter82 commented 8 years ago

Still not working.....I generated my .key/.crt and put them into c:\sickrage\data\

Still get these errors/warnings: 2016-02-04 09:43:23 MAIN :: pyopenssl module missing, please install for https access [72f6af7] 2016-02-04 09:43:23 MAIN :: Disabled HTTPS because of missing CERT and KEY files [72f6af7]

Do they need to go into another location?

zeeter82 commented 8 years ago

Nevermind....I got it :)

Needs to go where is located. Thanks you guys!