VinceVal / SickRageInstaller

A Windows Installer for SickRage
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Upgrade from "previous" sickrage db #27

Open Tiwas opened 8 years ago

Tiwas commented 8 years ago

I'd love to try your fork, but unfortunately my db isn't recognized - and I just have too many shows to be bothered to add everything manually again. I'm sure other people are in the same boat.

Would it be possible to make some sort of function to upgrade/downgrade/modify the database?

VinceVal commented 8 years ago

@Tiwas, what happens when you put your db file in the Data directory?

miigotu commented 8 years ago

Just rename it from SickRage.db back to sickbeard.db

Tiwas commented 8 years ago

@miigotu Thanks - that was right on the money. However, sickrage isn't updating. Claims there are 118 commits, but then fails on moving unrar.dll.

Sorry for using this as a support forum, but it might be beneficial to others as well (do you have a forum? I couldn't find one...)

I've attached a text file with the errors I'm getting SickRageUpdateError.txt