VinceVal / SickRageInstaller

A Windows Installer for SickRage
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No access to mapped network drives? #28

Open ruinit opened 8 years ago

ruinit commented 8 years ago

Branch/Commit:Branch: master Commit: 529c7cec3c2bc79b05f7dab501a45e9a29e03efc OS:Windows 10 What you did: New Install What happened:Starts but can't access my mapped drives What you expected: Access to mapped drives

With the trouble on synology I decided to make a windows install and still use my disk station for storage. I got it installed and all but I can not access my mapped drives? I don't use a password for this windows computer. I have looked around a bunch and can't seem to get a solution. I used the windows installer package.

Thanks for any help

roscopwnz commented 8 years ago

Hey I was wondering if you found a solution for this, currently experiencing the same issues now.

OmgImAlexis commented 8 years ago


zoochie commented 8 years ago

Please tell me you've found a solution to this, i've tried everything that everyone's suggested in previous threads, with no luck.

thanks a bunch

VinceVal commented 8 years ago

Windows services cannot access mapped drives. So, you can either run SR as a regular (non-service) application under your user account after logging in, or, what I would do, is just use UNC (\server\share) style paths.

zoochie commented 8 years ago

ive tried UNC style paths, it still wont find my mapped network drive, how do i run it as a non service application?


Hydro8 commented 8 years ago

Same problem here, can't access to mapped drives and can't access to network folder with \\Show for example

Jackinow commented 7 years ago

I have the same problem, so i don't use the sickrage service and load the sickrage via a command. For exemple, this is mine: "C:\SickRage\SickRage\" --nolaunch --port=8081 --datadir="C:\SickRage\Data"

and in my c:\SickRage\Data\config.ini I modify 2 lines to specify my network drives:

root_dirs = 0|\\seriesTV tv_download_dir = \\transmission\telechargements

and it's ok for me.

29z commented 7 years ago

I wasted 8 hours on this crap, and thought I would add what I did to fix it. Info: I used the installer several months ago(2-3) and had never shutdown my sickrage, that is until yesterday. Upon trying to restart my sickrage by restarting my computer the service would load and say running but my sickrage wouldn't have a webui. This is where I lost most of my time. After running sickrage in cmd I realized that unrar.exe installation was stopping my sickrage from continuing in startup and wouldn't proceed. So long story short I-

Installed unrar to data/unrar/ opened config file in data and changed the unrar path to the new installed unrar in data dir. restarted my sickrage service.

Everything now works.

I realize this topic is almost 1 year old but for some reason this just happend to me. The answer to my problem came from this thread, so thanks for that.

GaryUSMC commented 7 years ago

I am having an issue with my GUI not loading and this did not fix it. It worked fine until yesterday. Was there another update that broke it? Any help would be greatly appreciated.