This repo implements the idea from this paper: The core motive behind this paper was to create a model which would be insensitive to illumination in detecting spoofing attacks.
This repo will be explained in 5 sections:
Training and testing images are stored in test and train folders respectively. The folder will be organised as such: videos
└── real
└── real1.jpg
└── fake
└── fake1.jpg
└── real
└── fake
As shown in the image below, a CNN is needed in the MSR and RGB stream. I have decided to proceed with MobileNetV3 taken from due to its lightweight architecture.
This backbone can be substituted with any of the backbones here:
The Multi-Scale Retinex (MSR) functions have been taken from: The core idea behind the use of MSR is written in the paper:
MSR can separate an image to illumination component and reflectance component, and the illuminationremoved reflectance component is used for liveness detection
To carry out training, a custom DataGenerator is needed as well as the Attention layer used in the paper.
The custom DataGenerator is found in
and it generates batches of images in the format [BxHxWxC RGB image, BxHxWxC MSR image] as shown in the image below.
The Attention-based Fusion stated in the paper can be found in
. The inner working of the layer can be seen in the image below.
To test the model using your webcam, run the following command: python