VincentSaelzler / hyper-homelab

A foray into hyper-converged architecture.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Hyper Homelab

This is a home lab environment based on the following technologies:

Issues and Milestones

The project's milestone page is where issues are tracked and organized.

The milestones are numbered from 1-5. The lower numbers are foundational layers, like physical setup. The higher numbers build on the lower ones, and include things like software deployment.

The idea is to focus on accomplishing foundational items before moving on to higher-level objectives.

Secrets on the Host

SSH Keys

Save the private keys in these two locations:

Saving the encrypted private key in source control was considered as an option. However, having it in the ~/.ssh directory makes ssh commands work more easily.

The public keys that reference these private keys are in inventory/group_vars/all/vars.yml.

Ansible Vault PW

Host Box Prep

The whole idea of Ansible is to codify the infrastructure, and avoid creating "snowflake" application servers. In our efforts to do that, we need to avoid creating a "snowflake" virtualization/Ansible server!

Our goal is is to make the host server configuratoin as simple as possible.

WSL / Ubuntu

Windows PowerShell

Enable to run script files.

Copy the private key file to a place where the ssh command in PowerShell will expect it.

# from WSL
cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa /mnt/c/Users/[username]/.ssh/

Create SSH Keypairs
