ViniciusMikuni / CaloScore

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Caloscore official repository

In this repository, the implementation of the studies presented in the paper: Score-based Generative Models for Calorimeter Shower Simulation.


The score-based generative model is trained using a diffusion process that slowly perturbs the data. Generation of new samples is carried out by reversing the diffusion process using the learned score-function, or the gradient of the data density. For different time-steps, we show the distribution of deposited energies versus generated particle energies (top) and the energy deposition in a single layer of a calorimeter (bottom), generated with our proposed CaloScore model.

Tensorflow 2.6.0 was used to implement all models, based on the score-model implementation from Score-Based Generative Modeling through Stochastic Differential Equations


Results are presented using the Fast Calorimeter Data Challenge dataset and are available for download on zenodo:

Run the training scripts with

cd scripts
python  --config CONFIG --model MODEL

Sampling from the learned score function

python  --nevts N  --sample  --config CONFIG --model MODEL

Creating the plots shown in the paper

python  --config CONFIG --model MODEL --nslices 1