VinylNerd / ThinkPad-T440P-OpenCore

Fully working EFI folder for Big Sur
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ThinkPad T440P Hackintosh OpenCore

CURRENT RELEASE - v0.6-beta1, see releases page for older releases here -

IMG_2865 Screen Shot 2021-12-06 at 4 25 26 PM


Known problems


The BIOS must be properly configured prior to installing macOS.

In Security menu, set the following settings:

Security > Security Chip: must be Disabled,
Memory Protection > Execution Prevention: must be Enabled,
Internal Device Access > Bottom Cover Tamper Detection: must be Disabled,
Anti-Theft > Current Setting: must be Disabled,
Anti-Theft > Computrace > Current Setting: must be Disabled,
Secure Boot > Secure Boot: must be Disabled.

In Startup menu, set the following options:

UEFI/Legacy Boot: Both,
UEFI/Legacy Priority: UEFI First,
CSM Support: Yes.

Now you can go through the install.

Generating your own serial and Editing ROM

using GenSMBIOS ( generate a serial for MacBookPro11,1

I advise against 11,2 as the usb mapping is slightly different. As we move to Monteray 11,4 will be the only option for SMBIOS

use Plist edit pro, or something else to manually enter the details in the config where it sais YOUR STUFF HERE (as shown in photo) SystemSerialNumber, MLB, and UUID

Screen Shot 2021-02-02 at 5 41 49 PM

You should also edit your ROM to match the MAC address of your ethernet adapter as per the opencore guide, however i personally am not sure if it matters.


If you already have MacOS installed, i recomend trying this EFI on a USB first, in the boot menu you will see a clearnvram option, choose this, and then the shutdown option. if it works for you then you can proceed to move it to your main drive

If you don't have MacOS installed, we will cover how to install MacOS on your system.

If you wish to dual boot please use seperate hard drives for macOS and any other OS, if you do want to dualboot, understanding the "LauncherOption" setting is important.

Follow this guide to learn how create a USB installer -

Copy EFI folder to USB

Copy the content of the EFI folder provided here with your own Serial ect. on your USB flash drive EFI partition. The EFI partition is usually hidden. You can use OpenCore Configurator, Clover Configurator, and a few other tools to mount it

Install macOS

Install macOS by booting on the USB key. It takes about 30min. The computer will restart multiple times. You may or may not need to manually click to continue the install or it may just go on its own.

To finish the setup, you need to:

Copy EFI folder from USB flash drive to local drive EFI partition (like you did for the USB drive). It will make the local drive bootable (so you can get ride of the USB drive now),

You're done! Reboot and enjoy macOS on your Thinkpad T440p.

Getting Audio Working

Your audio may work without this, but without this patch, you will definately have noise on the headphone jack

Switch from VoodooHDA to AppleALC - if you have never installed VoodooHDA skip steps 1 and 2

  1. Remove VoodooHDA.kext If its installed from Macintosh HD->Library->Extensions
  2. Remove VoodooHDA.prefPane by searching for preference panes and removing it, make sure to delete both from trash
  3. Place ALCPlugFix on Desktop
  4. Run these commands

sudo spctl --master-disable

sudo mkdir /usr/local/bin/

cd Desktop/ALCPlugFix

ALCPlugFix % chmod +x ./

if you dont, then type this command

ALCPlugFix % ./

and you should see

Installing ALCPlugFix v1.7


NOTE: the first time i did installed it this is what worked, it seemed that the headphone jack noise came back so i ran these commands again

sudo spctl --master-disable

sudo mkdir /usr/local/bin/

cd Desktop/ALCPlugFix

ALCPlugFix % chmod +x ./

and it started working again, i will update this in the future when i better understand it

WI-FI, Bluetooth, Airdrop, and Continuity

This current build does not include any kexts for other wirless cards. As im using apple wireless card, you will need to add your own kexts for these cards, i recomend learning more here -


When i first got the T440P it had Intel 7260NGW 2x2 AC Card which i was able to make work with Wifi and Bluetooth. however the Wifi was not good, 2.4GHz was working but not properly, 5GHz was barely working, bluetooth worked but airdrop did not.


This was the first card i tried to use after the intel, i believe 2.4GHz and 5GHz worked, bluetooth worked, but airdrop did not.


this was the second card i tried to use, 2.4GHz and 5GHz gave packet loss and maxed out 434mbps NSS:1, bluetooth worked, airdrop worked, wifi was not acceptable.


this was the third card i tried to use, 2.4GHz and 5GHz work great but max out 434mbps, bluetooth works, airdrop works but is to slow for me.


this was the fourth card i tried to use, the card is to big so requires being physically cut to fit into the laptop, i made a cut to the card and was able to get it in but it didnt perform as i was likign and didnt show AC link rates so rather than doing more work to fit it properly i stopped, its possible if cut down properly it could work with a 3x3 antenna solution, but because of the price of the card i wouldnt suggest this


this is the Apple card which comes from the Macbook Air, its 2x2 same as thinkpad, and fits alot easier than one would think, in order to fit the card you must remove the bottom cover, which requires removing the keyboard and palmrest, however once done wifi does not require any extra kexts and works flawlessly with NSS:2 link rate 867 on Catalina and Big Sur

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this is the Apple card which comes from the Macbook Pro, its 3x3 same , and is bigger than the 2x2 card, in order to fit the card you must make a small cut in the case after removing the bottom cover, which requires removing the keyboard and palmrest, however once done wifi does not require any extra kexts and works flawlessly with NSS:3 link rate 1300 on Catalina and Big Sur

NOTE THIS CARD WILL CAUSE WINDOWS REBOOTS TO HANG , i do not have any other cards to test if this is the case with them anymore but i can confirm its the case with this one, turning off bluetooth in bios fixes the issue but it more painful than just holding power button for 5 seconds and restarting which fixed it

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Test time 10.04 seconds
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this is a 4.1/4.2 version of the BCM94360CS, this card has issues with bluetooth connection at UEFI / OpenCore level and HID proxy mode does not work, wit the BCM94360CS HID proxy mode does work, other than this there was no observed differences in performance of the two cards


Voltage Shift

to use voltage shift you must first download it here once downloaded unpack the 1.25 version.

inside this there will be a voltageshift.exec file, this is all you need, place this file wherever you want and execute the command from there, for example i have a folder named "voltageshift" in my documents folder with the exec file inside of it, so i open terminal and type "cd Documents/voltageshift" and then you can play around with entering commands, but be careful

if you wish to skip toying and unlock your CPU for its max potential i recomend running this command

"sudo ./voltageshift buildlaunchd -70 -70 -70 -70 -70 -70 1 55 80 1 160"

it will yeild this results automatically everytime upon boot

CPU voltage offset: -70mv GPU voltage offset: -70mv CPU Cache voltage offset: -70mv System Agency offset: -70mv Analogy I/O: -70mv Digital I/O: -70mv CPU BaseFreq: 2500, CPU MaxFreq(1/2/4): 3500/3400/3300 (mhz) PL1: 55W PL2: 80W CPU Freq: 2.5ghz, Voltage: 0.7955v, Power:pkg 18.74w /core 8.73w,Temp: 54 c Connor@Connors-MBP voltageshift %


Yoga SMC is now partially working as of v0.3-beta1, fan control is working but i can't get DYTC to work, if anyone can help feel free to open an issue

to download go here -

all you need to download is YogaSMC-App-Release.dmg

once downloaded place in applications folder, to enable control of fan down to stopped go into preferences>think>allowfanstop

any questions or issues please create a ticket


Dock is working for usb but using HDMI/DP/DVI/VGA causes kerel panic on sleep/shutdown/reboot.


sleep and wake works as normal with the dock, but wake from USB devices will not work due to a ACPI patch that has been applied to stop it from constantly waking with the dock, if you do not use dock and wish to enable wake from sleep with usb devices, make sure to disable this acpi patch listed in the bottom of ACPI>PATCH

Instant Wake Fix ( IGBE _PRW 0x0D, 0x04 to 0)

wake from sleep using bluetooth devices with genuine apple wifi cards like BCM943602CS, BCM94360CS, BCM94360CS2, and BCM94360CD does not, and will not work AFAIK, please report if you have a different result, cards like the DW1560 can wake from sleep with bluetooth, however it can be a pain to get working.

Thats it, your done, please let me know if you have any issues.


Swanux -

LighterEB -

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