Violet-CLM / MLLE

Multi-Layer Level Editor tool for Jazz Jackrabbit 2 and related games
13 stars 7 forks source link

Multi-layered level editor

A (largely stable) alternative level editor to JCS. MLLE offers various options that JCS does not, such as JJ2+ support (particularly infinite layers and tilesets per level, palette editing, super-easy custom weapons, and redrawable tiles/masks), fill and rectangle drawing tools, longer text strings, an integrated layer edit/parallax view screen, zooming above 100%, typing event names, more useful parameter fields for many events, autocompleting tiles, more complex tile selection options, a redo buffer, better layer resizing, automatic ZIP creation, and support (both editing levels and creating tilesets) for every single related game (1.23, 1.24, Battery Check, 1.10o, 1.00g/h, and Animaniacs: A Gigantic Adventure) (for the latter two, this is the only program of any kind that exists for editing them).

Installation instructions:

There’s no help file, because help files are hard, but here are some hotkeys:


1) Open Renderer1.csproj using Visual Studio 2) Add references to all dll's except bass.dll under the 'Other files to distribute' folder