This repository contains code for SegNet-cGAN and UNET-cGAN for Breast Mammography Segmentation and also a discussion of the results we were able to achieve with our implementation.
This repo is originated from GAN_breast_mammography_segmentation
102 pairs of mammography and mask images were obtained from INbreast dataset. Since it is not enough, I used Keras ImageDataGenerator to get 20052 images to train. Something needed to be noticed: the code in the requires the number of training images minus 4 to be the multiple of batch number(which is 8 in the default setting). For example, (20052 - 4) % 8 = 0. You can find it in line 232.
Using python --mode=evaluate to have a test. The output of test results are stored in /sample/evaluate.
Some samples of the training/testing images are also uploaed in train_data_in/train_data_out/test_data_in/test_data_out
The following are the original README file.
Ankit Chadha ( and Rewa Sood ( This work is an extension of the work we had done for CS229.
The dataset we used was CBIS-DDSM [3] The DDSM is a database of 2,620 scanned film mammography studies. Since our problem is becomes challenging with very limited number of samples, we resorted to data augmentation without changing underlying pathology information of the image.
Techniques used for augmentation were:
The above poster shows results for training the UNet without adversarial training. We extended the UNet and SegNet with adversarial training to generate more precise masks.
[2] Presents recent work where cGAN implementations were used for mammography segmentation
Run evaluate over your test set
python --mode=evaluate
config.TRAIN.batch_size = 8 #Training batch size
config.TRAIN.lr_init = 1e-4 #Initial Learning Rate
config.TRAIN.beta1 = 0.9 #Beta1 parameter for batch normalization
config.TRAIN.n_epoch_init = 35 #Number of epochs to run the generator before adversarial training
config.TRAIN.n_epoch = 56 #Number of Epochs of Adversarial training
config.TRAIN.lr_decay = 0.1 #Learning rate decay through adversarial training
config.TRAIN.decay_every = int(config.TRAIN.n_epoch / 2)
config.TRAIN.hr_img_path = '../train_data_out_2'
config.TRAIN.lr_img_path = '../train_data_in'
config.VALID.hr_img_path = '../test_data_out_2/'
config.VALID.lr_img_path = '../test_data_in/'
TRAIN.hr_img_path is the groundtruth path and TRAIN.lr_img_path is the input image path. In our case these are 128x128 slices of input image and binary masks.
Model | Dice | model filename |
SegNet-cGAN | 89% | |
Unet-cGAN | 86.3% | |
-- Network output and Ground truth 1.
Post-processing techniques used: Otsu Thresholding, Opening and Major component selection to denoise the network output
[1] Tisse Augmentation -
[2] Conditional Generative Adversarial and Convolutional Networks for X-ray Breast Mass Segmentation and Shape Classification -
[3] CBIS-DDSM Dataset
[4] U-Net
[5] SegNet: A Deep Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Image Segmentation -