Vipeax / MSI-LED-Tool

MSI LED Tool, an alternative for the default MSI tooling
MIT License
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temperature led color in the msi gtx 1070 gaming x #4

Open galaxy76 opened 7 years ago

galaxy76 commented 7 years ago

i'm italian, sorry for my english

i run the program. it work in other Type animation, but in animation temperature (n.6) led temperature not changing in according with temperature. it is always orange in my GTX 1070 MSI gaming x. Why?

i setting: {
"R":255, "G":0, "B":0,
"AnimationType":6, "TemperatureLowerLimit":45, "TemperatureUpperLimit":85, "OverwriteSecurityChecks":false }

Vipeax commented 7 years ago

Hi, your English is fine actually. πŸ‘

What if you change the temperature limits to say 30-60? I'm just curious if you see it changing at all. It is possible that the LEDs just "can not" show all the full RGB colors, resulting in 1 static orange. With a lower maximum we can check if it will in fact go to red afterall.

My responses might be slow at times. I'm currently on holiday 😎.

galaxy76 commented 7 years ago

thanks for reply :) I had also already tried it to lower the limit of the high temperature to see if it turned red, but is still orange. all color (green, blue, red, white ecc) work fine in other Animation Type. only in the animation type 6 not work. Also another user has the same problem on gtx1080

anyway, thank you for creating this toll. Now you just only have to fix this problem on the temperature. everything else works well! :)

one question: you about which card you've tested?

Vipeax commented 7 years ago

When I'm back mid October we can try fixing this.

As for your last question: I don't own anything created by MSI. I didn't even test the tool myself 😊

Vipeax commented 7 years ago

I quickly glanced over the code and there was actually some testing code left in there 😭...

Let's hopse this works now.

galaxy76 commented 7 years ago

Thank you for having responded immediately. unfortunately it remains with orange. I tried to set these values ​​and to make heat the GPU: default temperature 45/85 and temperature 50/60

always orange

Vipeax commented 7 years ago

If you could please try this version. It should start doing something now! Replacing some of the logic with dummy data showed a major flaw in my color calculations, which indeed led to always showing the orange color.

My apologies for the issues and thank you for being a test dummy.

galaxy76 commented 7 years ago

Then, now it works! but when the temperature reaches the max target setting in "TemperatureUpperLimit" (color red), the tool "Vipeax / MSI-LED-Tool" stops working in windows. it crash always. Also the colors look are "only" 3: green, orange and red. it would be nice to have another step with the color blue. it would be even nicer to have the intermediate color gradations. it's possible? anyway thanks for your beautiful work.

Vipeax commented 7 years ago

It actually has color gradations, but it seems the leds don't like them. Could you try various colors and let me know how many variants of orange you can create for example?

As for the crash that should be easy to fix. The blue part is more complex as it currently does actually calculate a full switch from green to red (by increasing red and green (RGB) according. I guess you want blue before green as "cool"?

galaxy76 commented 7 years ago

I'm sorry. I did not understand what I have to do: "Could you try various colors and let me know how many variants of orange you can create for example?"

YES i want blue before green as cool.


Vipeax commented 7 years ago

What I meant is: can you test if you can get "different variants of orange" through the LEDs? Like, orange close to red, real orange, orange close to yellow etc (without it actually beng red/yellow).

Also, I just pushed another release that should fix the crashing issue.

galaxy76 commented 7 years ago

with this setting, i can not have shades of orange. It is passed from green at orange to red instantly: vary test

1) "R":255, "G":0, "B":0,
"AnimationType":6, "TemperatureLowerLimit":45, "TemperatureUpperLimit":85, "OverwriteSecurityChecks":false

2) "R":255, "G":255, "B":0,
"AnimationType":6, "TemperatureLowerLimit":45, "TemperatureUpperLimit":85, "OverwriteSecurityChecks":false

3)"R":10, "G":255, "B":255,
"AnimationType":6, "TemperatureLowerLimit":45, "TemperatureUpperLimit":85, "OverwriteSecurityChecks":false

BUT in animation type 2 it is possible color white with this setting:

1) "R":255, "G":255, "B":255,
"AnimationType"2, "TemperatureLowerLimit":45, "TemperatureUpperLimit":85, "OverwriteSecurityChecks":false

color yellow with this setting: "R":20, "G":255, "B":0,
"AnimationType":2, "TemperatureLowerLimit":45, "TemperatureUpperLimit":85, "OverwriteSecurityChecks":false

and orange with this setting: "R":255, "G":10, "B":0,
"AnimationType":2, "TemperatureLowerLimit":45, "TemperatureUpperLimit":85, "OverwriteSecurityChecks":false

They are also possible all color heavenly, purple ecc

galaxy76 commented 7 years ago

it's all OK? I may have done something wrong in publishing my data? was what you asked, or not?

anyway, I tested the latest version and now no crash in red temperature

galaxy76 commented 7 years ago

Hello! you are still on holiday?

Vipeax commented 7 years ago


I debugged the code again, but it should pass through orange (,js,output).