Vipeax / MSI-LED-Tool

MSI LED Tool, an alternative for the default MSI tooling
MIT License
112 stars 17 forks source link


This is a tiny project to allow modification of the LEDs of a MSI Gaming X cards without the requirement of all the bloatware that the MSI tooling includes. Other MSI cards are very likely to work as well, but right now the code performs a check specifically for the device code of Pascal (GTX 1060/GTX 1070/GTX 1080), Maxwell (GTX 980Ti/GTX 960) and Polaris cards as well as the MSI brand subvendor code.

It supports a fixed color, breathing mode, flashing mode and double flashing mode. If you desire a different effect or any custom mode and you aren't a developer, just create a new issue describing what you want.

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