Note: If you want the option to test all the perks, then go to line 178 and uncomment the line //self thread test_perks()
---> self thread test_perks()
The models may change, but the position should stay the same.
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Perk-a-colas not added yet
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Perk-a-colas not added yet
If you wish to change the position of the perk machines or add new ones, add this line to your OnPlayerSpawned function:
self thread doGetposition();
and add these two functions to the code:
self endon ("disconnect");
self endon ("death");
print_pos = 1;
if (print_pos==1)
self.corrected_angles = corrected_angles(self.angles);
self iPrintln("Angles: "+self.corrected_angles+"\nPosition: "+self.origin);
wait 0.5;
angles = angles + (0, 90, 0);
if (angles[1] < 0)
angles = angles + (0, 360, 0);
return angles;
With this you can get the position and angles required to spawn a perk machine in the correct place. The next step is to edit the lines of code that look like this that can be found under the init_custom_map() function:
perk_system( "script_model", (847, -1037, 120), "zombie_vending_revive_on", ( 0, 326, 0 ), "custom", "mus_perks_sleight_sting", "Downer's Delight", 3000, "revive_light", "Downers_Delight","zombie_perk_bottle_revive" );
perk_system( script, pos, model, angles, type, sound, name, cost, fx, perk, bottle)
(847, -1037, 1200) / pos
- the position
( 0, 326, 0) / angle
- the angle, you will likely only need to change the middle value.
The position and angles can be found using the code above.
Other parameters:
"zombie_vending_revive_on / model"
- the model to be used (only models that exist in the map can be used, use this model list to help)
"Downer's Delight" / name
- the name that appears in the hint when you approach the perk machine
"Downers_Delight" / perk
- the actual perk, the names of which can be found under the drawshader_and_shadermove() function
"zombie_perk_bottle_revive / bottle"
- the perk bottle, the bottles names can be found here
whydoesanyonecare. I took the base code for the perk systems from dog town plutonium