Virginia-Digital-Shipbuilding-Program / CoCo

Coastal Coders Bugs and Feedback Repository for the Newport News Public School System
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[Coastal Coders Bug Report] #3

Open Mxystic7 opened 12 months ago

Mxystic7 commented 12 months ago

Please include the version number located in the bottom left corner of the Coastal Coders applications

-[e.g. v.000.105.010]

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is and exactly where/what you were doing in the experience.

E.g. "I was in the classroom, at the school, and when I walked up to the teacher to ask about my computer science test the game closed out as I hit the mouse button to interact."

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to '...'
  2. Click on '....'
  3. Scroll down to '....'

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Chromebook Hardware (please complete the following information):

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here and/or notes that can help us recreate it - thank you!

coco Logo

Mxystic7 commented 12 months ago

On version

We were told to access the printer and in the text box it says. "< conversation> Hi small human my hardware seems to be malfunctioning". Added this as i was not sure if the was a piece of fragmented code or if it was on purpose.

at the end of the dialogue, it also uses </ conversation>

Mxystic7 commented 12 months ago

On version After we completed the task of finding the remote once we got our new task it clipped and isnt inside the box and it makes it pretty hard to read.

Mxystic7 commented 12 months ago

On version when opening the tablet for the first game we were jump scared by loud screeching noises.

Mxystic7 commented 12 months ago

On version when we entered the water game there were no clear instructions as to how to play the game

Mxystic7 commented 12 months ago

During water game level 3 when i hit pulse continue and right turn into the wall by the block it glitched me and pushed me away halfway down the screen

Mxystic7 commented 12 months ago

On version When moving to ipad number 4 there is a collectible in the last locker but you cant obtain it because the locker wont open.

Mxystic7 commented 12 months ago

On version

After completing water level 3, the teacher will start floating beside her desk.

Mxystic7 commented 12 months ago

On version 3d printer when waiting the audio kept going but the game wouldn't give us new tasks and nothing would print. Possible audio and game freezing bug

Mxystic7 commented 12 months ago

On version if you press escape on any cutscene then the game will crash

Mxystic7 commented 12 months ago

On version In the museum when talking to guard first time she calls herself Security office Mrs.Renne when it should be Security Officer Mrs. Renne

Mxystic7 commented 12 months ago

On version

the video is super glitchy and barley understandable.

Mxystic7 commented 12 months ago

On version Tasks wont update after finishing one until you walk away so no immediate change in the objectives following the completion of one.

Mxystic7 commented 12 months ago

On version When in the museum it says that we have a message from fam but when we open the message to read it. it says its from stu

Mxystic7 commented 12 months ago

On version when trying to deactivate the camera officer renne talks and she has a piece of fragmented code. And also, i don't know why they keep calling us small human.

Mxystic7 commented 12 months ago

On version After deactivating the camera the game does not assign any tasks so there is no clue as to what is left to do

Mxystic7 commented 12 months ago

On version

When right clicking when dialogue is on screen, the phone will become in active.

Mxystic7 commented 12 months ago

On version when using the AR mode and looking at the chalkboard, it dosent appear as anything.

Mxystic7 commented 12 months ago

On version the task find a vr device is off the main box.

Mxystic7 commented 12 months ago

On version the 3d printer wont stop making noise nor will it move on to the next objective.

Mxystic7 commented 12 months ago

On version if i have my phone out and walk pass the teacher when a "talk to the teacher" objective appears, im stuck on the first dialogue and cant progress.

Mxystic7 commented 12 months ago

On version the 3rd laptop is in the locker that cant be opened.

Mxystic7 commented 12 months ago

On version have to close phone to open multiple messages.

Mxystic7 commented 12 months ago

On version entering the museum causes your backbag and tech bar to go under the screen

Mxystic7 commented 12 months ago

On version in the museum, after deactivating the cameras, you cant progress any further.

Mxystic7 commented 12 months ago

On version pressing P causes a lag in the phone disappearing nor can i even use it.

Mxystic7 commented 12 months ago

On version In the museum, you can clip through the arcade machines.

Mxystic7 commented 12 months ago

On version The drone in the school will slowly move around and clip into people and itens.

Mxystic7 commented 11 months ago

On version The laptop/ipad for water game 4 and 5 dont appear until the objective is ready while the others are already there.

Mxystic7 commented 11 months ago

On version If you try to leave the workshop class as the door closes and make it, the door locks you out.

Mxystic7 commented 11 months ago

On version In the workshop room, the moment you walk in, if you click the cabinet with the filament in it, it will allow you to skip the stu conversation and grab the battery and the filament.

Mxystic7 commented 11 months ago

On version After starting the printer, if you look in the AR mode on the phone and look at stu, he has a question mark next to a printer, but the look of the printer isnt the 3d printer, its a regular paper printer but when i hold my AR mode up to the paper printer, i dont see anything, meaning either he is referring to the 3d printer with the wrong image, the paper printer is the solution but hasnt been coded yet or hes wondering something about the 3d printer but wont tell us. walking up to stu in this moment initiates no conversation

Mxystic7 commented 11 months ago

On version Apologies but small bug rant After starting the printer theres no more objectives, the only things i see in my AR mode are reject BT from titanfall's glowing chest and our "best friend" who share the same first name with a ghostface killer who has a printer and a question mark, but i cant interact with either. If im supposed to leave well i cant because the door locks me out and the workout room dosent open. Am i supposed to talk to the teacher? well that cant be the case because he looks like hes daydreaming instead of worrying about why he should be smelling burning metal, do i grab the now 3d printed object? Id love to if the object would stop saying "ready to print" and actually start printing. And the worst part about all of this comes in two parts, part one is that i have to sit here and listen to a supposed 3d printer printing but i left it alone for 2 hours and it still didnt print, we're making a battery holder not a prosthetic arm. and two, i can see the printed object, its done, i could grab it right now but the game wont let me.

Mxystic7 commented 11 months ago

On version If you leave the room right as you enter the workshop room, a message appears by something called a propelling stem, additive manufacturing but the message is blank......wait.....doesnt that mean that there is a way past the printer section to where i leave to get a message from this Propelling stem thing, meaning theres something deep in the code thats somehow preventing me from advancing the story in a normal way?

Mxystic7 commented 11 months ago

On version Stu messages us to deactivate the security cameras twice.

Mxystic7 commented 11 months ago

On version In the deactivate the camera section, if you fail this "minigame", the game will still ask you to deactivate the cameras, despite you no longer having access to the panel. Adding on to that however, even when you fail there isnt a prompt screen indicating any punishment for failing, the security officer said i will get caught if i fail 4 times.....and i did.....yet i can still walk around and do anything i want BESIDES the main objective. My assumption is that the game didnt think anyone would fail but you should still be prepared for this outcome.

Mxystic7 commented 11 months ago

On version The option to load map is on the home screen, yet i obviously cant load anything.

Mxystic7 commented 11 months ago

On version when looking at the xbox series x, the prompt for pixel appears but pixel isnt capitalized.

Mxystic7 commented 11 months ago

On version im not sure if its supposed to have a label but the glove to the right of the door is called the Power Glove, it was a controller built into the glove itself, though it didnt sell very much.

Mxystic7 commented 11 months ago

On version

What is the deal with the officer, i cant tell weather to have this in general or real bug so its going in both.

Renee goes from welcoming us to the museum and the suddenly calling us small human and saying i know what you have to do, as if shes a twist villian in a Pixar movie. I assume the camera is supposed to be the one talking because only technology has called us small human, like the printer and Walmart BT.

Mxystic7 commented 11 months ago

On version Where is stu, he mentioned that the security camera is following him but i dont see him in here.

Mxystic7 commented 11 months ago

On version If you open your back bag the moment you receive it in the school, it will give you the switch and then if you go do the "grab the remote/switch" task, you now have two switches.

Mxystic7 commented 11 months ago

On version by setting ticks to one and using a couple of engine boost, you can clip outside the box.

Mxystic7 commented 11 months ago

On version it takes 200 boost 10's to break the boat out of the map. assuming the boost 10 is multipling each by 10, i can understand why 2000 (probably the right unit) mph would be enough for the boat.

Mxystic7 commented 11 months ago

On version I clicked the battery and then the filament cabinet and then talked to stu about his robot and then about the 3d printer....meaning i skipped the robots now he wont stop glowing.

Mxystic7 commented 11 months ago

On version Isnt A.T,L.A.S. the robot? Why is he not only texting me, hoping that my grade will go up but also already have knowledge that i failed. i cant tell if this is supposed to be mom talking, or the teacher but either way its odd, especially when i get the message, ATLAS is supposed to be dead because his batteries ran out.

another thing, he messages me twice with the same two messages.

Mxystic7 commented 11 months ago

On version If i grab the filament cabinet when i first walk into the room, the cabinet stays closed and still shows up as something inside of it when i use the AR mode.

Mxystic7 commented 11 months ago

On version If you walk in the makerspace room then immediately walk out the door to makerspace will shut but you will still be stuck in the hallway

Mxystic7 commented 11 months ago

On version when entering the museum from the load map once in the museum the screens resolution will change causing the inventory and equipment bars to become unclear as they go outside the visible screen.

Mxystic7 commented 11 months ago

On version if you fail in deactivating the camera and then load the map to the museum all tasks will reappear but become incompletable except for deactivating the camera.