Virginia-Digital-Shipbuilding-Program / CoCo

Coastal Coders Bugs and Feedback Repository for the Newport News Public School System
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Coastal Coders

Coastal Coders is a simulation-based learning platform to assist exploration of K-12 Virginia computer science strands and standards via engaging and thematic challenges.

Users are tasked to navigate computational thinking skills such as decomposition, pattern recognition, algorithmic design, and abstraction as computer science content is expanded upon in each activity or mini-game. Each activity ties computer science connections to uses of innovative, digital technologies.

During gameplay, users navigate real-world activities and challenges while collecting digital tools to assist with in-game problem-solving. Users additionally learn about corresponding STEM careers in computer science with diverse career pathways.

Coastal Coders VMASC Team Leads

Coastal Coders Student Team - Leads - Summer 2023

Coastal Coders Student Team - Asset Creation - Summer 2023

Coastal Coders Student Team - Leads - Spring 2023

Coastal Coders Student Team - Leads - Fall 2022

Coastal Coder Contributors

Report a Bug and/or Feedback?

Development Timeline

We are working on internal play testing with the Newport News Public School System and are working to establish a more public timeline on application deployment. We are currently targeting ChromeBook devices and will be releasing the application under the Google Play Store. Currently we are running internal testing and not seeking external testers but will be looking for external testers starting Q4 2023.

Fall 2023 Development Milestones

Version Number Internal Names Details Estimated Dates Coastal Coders 2023 Classroom WebGL Tests 09/08/2023 Coastal Coders 2023 Makerspace WebGL Tests 09/12/2023 Coastal Coders 2023 Library WebGL Tests 09/20/2023 Coastal Coders 2023 Warehouse WebGL Tests 10/06/2023 Coastal Coders 2023 Website Partial Internal Launch 10/16/2023 Coastal Coders 2023 Website Full Internal Launch 10/23/2023 Coastcal Coders Soft Launch Full Launch 10/31/2023

Summer 2023 Development Milestones

Version Number Internal Names Details Estimated Dates Coastal Coders 2023 Initial Google Play Requests 05/17/2023 AAB T 2 Rendering Tests 05/18/2023 AAB T 3 Optimization Tests 05/19/2023 AAB T 4 Initial Menu Tests 05/20/2023 CoCo Deployment P1 Overview of Map, Google Play Setup, & Internal Testing System 6/01/2023 CoCo Deployment P2 Immediate hot fixes for known issues 06/03/2023 CoCo Deployment P3 Secondary fixes for known issues 06/05/2023 Map Interface System wide Map-Interface Updates 06/28/2023

Backlog 2023 Development Milestones

Version Number Internal Names Details Estimated Dates CoCo Content Town: Museum Module Sequence V1 xx/xx/2023 CoCo Content Town: Makerspace Module Sequence V1 xx/xx/2023 CoCo Content City: Warehouse Module Sequence V1 xx/xx/2023 CoCo Windows Build Windows Build for NN V1 xx/xx/2023 Interaction Revamp System wide 'FEEL' updates and TTS tweaks xx/xx/2023 CoCo Content City: Air Craft Carrier SOL Module Sequence V1 xx/xx/2023 CoCo Content City: Submarine SOL Module Sequence V1 xx/xx/2023 CoCo Quality of Life Instructions, Online Documentation, & External Testing xx/xx/2023 Accessibility Revamp System wide interface font updates and Google TTS tests xx/xx/2023

Current Software Information

This project is utilizing the Unity 2022 Tech Release version 3.8F1. Internal testing will done on Windows Deployments with targetted production deployment through the Google Player Store in 2024 to support a wide range of Google Chromebook devices- due to new requirements from Google we will be focusing in on API level 33.

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