In keeping with our aim of serving specific hydrologists' needs while building or demonstrating core cyberinfrastructure (CI), this tool uses Virtual Watershed technology to provide a tool for hydrologists wanting to investigate the effects of fire on the outputs of PRMS models.
There is one current milestone:
The issues show what needs to be done.
The first step to getting started is to set up the development modeling and authorization server using Docker. You will need to install the docker-toolkit no matter what OS you're working with.
Next, clone
vw-deploy, start a new docker
machine, then create an account on the docker machine you started by visiting
To get the ip of your docker machine, run docker-machine ip vw-machine
Probably it will be
. But it may not be, so be sure to check.
Here are the commands to get your docker machine (named vw-machine
) going:
docker-machine create --driver virtualbox vw-machine
excluding vw-machine
will create a machine called default
This starts the machine. You need to set this machine to be the environment you're working with. Running
docker-machine env vw-machine
will give you a message saying on how to configure your shell, as well as the environment variables that will be set when you execute the command. That command is
eval $(docker-machine env vw-machine)
Next, we need to bring up our docker container on the docker machine. The first time it runs, it will need to download and install some dependencies on the docker machine. This will not make any changes to your local file system.
cd vw-deploy/v1.0/development && docker-compose -f up
When it's finished, navigate to and create a development account. Unfortunately you'll have to create on every time you use the development system. But on the upside, it's easy to create a new development account. To "receive" your confirmation email, navigate to to read your development emails.
Install Python dependencies using virtualenv
virtualenv venv && source venv/bin/activate && pip install -r requirements.txt
Next, install Javascript dependencies using Bower.
bower install
At this point bower has overwritten something in the repository. To put it back,
git checkout -- app/static/bower_components/swagger-ui/dist/index.html
Now use gunicorn to start the server. We need multiple threads and this configuration seemed to be best.
gunicorn --worker-class eventlet -w 4 manage:app -b \
--error-logfile='err.log' --access-logfile='log.log' --log-level DEBUG
If the MongoDB collection is empty (you haven't inserted any documents manually
or run any scenarios), a single record will be inserted as a placeholder for
development purposes. After you start the server, visit
localhost:5000 to see the web interface. Scroll to the
bottom to view the list of scenarios. There will be a hydrograph in the
attribute of the JSON that gets delivered to your browser when you
click the View JSON
link in the list at the bottom.
If you visit localhost:5000/api/scenarios you will see the list of current scenarios with one current scenario.
API routes are in app/api/
Now, finally, we can run our Swagger-UI and look at the spec by running
and visiting http://localhost:8000/swagger-ui/dist/?url=/../../api-spec.yaml.
We need to make this spec actually happen. This is the API the frontend and Chase's Unity vis will use to run and access scenarios.