Virtuoel / Pehkui

Fabric/Forge/NeoForge/Quilt mod that allows for changing the size of any entity.
MIT License
87 stars 34 forks source link

[Bug]: Crashing while loading mods. #470

Closed Beeper-Skeeper closed 3 months ago

Beeper-Skeeper commented 7 months ago

Minecraft version(s)


Minecraft version details


Mod loader


Mod loader version

Forge, curseforge version 36.2.39

Fabric API version

No response

In what kind of world or server did the problem occur?

Other (specify in "What went wrong?" section)

What went wrong? (Crash logs don't go here)

The problem was that it crashes in the mod load start up when minecraft is launched, so unfortunately I can't provide any help on how to reproduce it besides installing the mod and trying to launch minecraft.

Full list of installed mods and their version numbers

Ex: Mod name Author/creator

A Sylvan Origin [FORGE/FABRIC] candycanecazoo Adorn (Forge) Juicebus Adventures Structures erixon_07 AI Improvements QueenOfMissiles Akashic Tome Vazkii Alex's Mobs sbomxela AntiGhost Giselbaer Antique Atlas Hunternif AppleSkin squeek502 Aquaculture 2 Shadow Architectury API (Fabric/Forge) shedaniel Artifacts ochotonida AutoRegLib Vazkii Better Advancements way2muchnoise Better Barrels mrpineapppl3 Better Biome Blend FionaTheMortal Better Compatibility Checker Gaz Better Fps - Render Distance[Forge] someaddon BetterEnd Reforked someoneelsewastaken BetterF3 cominixo BetterNether Reforged someoneelsewastaken BlockCarpentry PianoManu Bookshelf DarkhaxDev Bountiful (Forge) Ejektaflex Builders Dimension thegartmans522 Caelus API (Forge) TheIllusiveC4 CB: Compressed Blocks sa_shiro Chisel tterrag1098 Chisels & Bits - For Forge AlgorithmX2 Citadel sbom_xela Cloth Config API (Fabric/Forge) shedaniel Clumps Jaredlll08 Collective Serilum ConnectedTexturesMod tterrag1098 Controlling Jaredlll08 Corpse henkelmax Cosmetic Armor Reworked LainMI CraftTweaker Jaredlll08 Create simibubi Create Deco talrey Create Gears kotakotik22 Create Goggles (Create Plus) Robocraft999 Create Stuff & Additions Furti_Two Create: Alloyed MythrilBagels CreateTweaker Jaredlll08 Cucumber Library BlakeBr0 Curios API (Forge) TheIllusiveC4 Custom Starter Gear brandon3055 DataFixerSlayer (improves RAM usage) Vazkii Dimensional Dungeons Catastrophe573 Double Slabs CJMinecraft01 ExpandAbility florensie Extended Crafting BlakeBr0 FancyMenu [Forge] Keksuccino Fast Furnace minus Replacement tfarecnim FastSuite Shadows_of_Fire FastWorkbench Minus Replacement tfarecnim FerriteCore (Forge) malte0811 Flywheel jozufozu FTB Backups (Forge) FTB FTB Chunks (Forge) FTB FTB Essentials (Forge & Fabric) FTB FTB Library (Forge) FTB FTB Ranks (Forge) FTB FTB Structures (Forge) FTB FTB Teams (Forge) FTB GeckoLib Gecko Get It Together, Drops! bl4ckscor3 Goblins & Dungeons superlord_9362 Ice and Fire: Dragons sbom_xela Iceberg [Forge] Grend_G Inventory HUD+ dmitrylovin JEITweaker Jaredlll08 JourneyMap techbrew Just Enough Items (JEI) mezz KleeSlabs BlayTheNinth Konkrete [Forge] Keksuccino Kotlin for Forge thedarkcolour Ksyxis VidTu KubeJS LatvianModder Legendary Tooltips [Forge] Grend_G Macaw's Doors sketch_macaw Macaw's Fences and Walls sketch_macaw Macaw's Furniture sketch_macaw Macaw's Lights and Lamps sketch_macaw Macaw's Windows sketch_macaw Magnesium someoneelsewastaken Magnesium/Rubidium Dynamic Lights Anthxny Magnesium/Rubidium Extras Anthxny Mantle mDiyo Masonry Shadow Mo' Structures (Forge) ffrannny Moonlight Lib MehVahdJukaar More Create Stuffs JerryLu086 Mouse Tweaks YaLTeR Mowzie's Mobs bobmowzie Neat Vazkii Netherite Plus Mod OroArmor No Recipe Advancements MutantGumdrop Oh The Biomes You'll Go AOCAWOL Origins (Forge) EdwinMindcraft Out Of Sight Corosus Overworld Two (Forge) Corgi_Taco Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Crops pamharvestcraft Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Food Core pamharvestcraft Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Food Extended pamharvestcraft Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Trees pamharvestcraft Patchouli Vazkii Path Under Gates cyberslas Pehkui Virtuoel Performant someaddon Piglin Brute TheImperiumCentral Placebo Shadows_of_Fire Polymorph (Fabric/Forge/Quilt) TheIllusiveC4 Prism [Forge] Grend_G RandomPatches (Forge) TheRandomLabs RecipeBuffers malte0811 Repurposed Structures (Forge) telepathicgrunt Rhino LatvianModder Rubidium Asek3 Server Tab Info black_dog20 Shrines Structures silverminer007 Simple Storage Network Lothrazar Simply Origins (Forge/Fabric) SimplyKamu Soaring Structures 2 - Forge / Fabric STGMC Spawner Bug Fix MacTso Structures Plus II Qra5 Sulfuric someoneelsewastaken Supplementaries MehVahdJukaar TiCBC - Tinkers Better Compat ianm1647 Tinkers Construct mDiyo Tips DarkhaxDev Toast Control Shadows_of_Fire Torch Slabs Mod EndlesNights Torchmaster xalcon Traveler's Backpack Tiviacz1337 Valhelsia Core ValhelsiaTeam Valhelsia Structures ValhelsiaTeam Vein Mining (Fabric/Forge/Quilt) TheIllusiveC4 Waystones BlayTheNinth WorldEdit sk89q XL Packets tfarecnim YUNG's API (Forge) YUNGNICKYOUNG YUNG's Better Caves (Forge) YUNGNICKYOUNG YUNG's Better Dungeons (Forge) YUNGNICKYOUNG YUNG

Did the problem cause the game to crash?

Yes. (paste crash report below)

Full crash report contents (if you experienced a crash)

Crash report output:

I know it said to copy and paste a crash report, but the only thing the launcher bothered giving me, was an error code: 1. That's it, I don't know what else I would put here.

Beeper-Skeeper commented 7 months ago

I should mention that it also crashes just by itself on the same versions for minecraft and curseforge, as well as outputting the same exit code number.

Virtuoel commented 3 months ago

Should now be resolved as of the 3.8.0 release.

If you still have crash issues with this latest release, please be sure to include the crash report from the crash-reports folder in your .minecraft folder.

Beeper-Skeeper commented 2 months ago

Should now be resolved as of the 3.8.0 release.

If you still have crash issues with this latest release, please be sure to include the crash report from the crash-reports folder in your .minecraft folder.

Unfortunately it still crashes, and still gives me the same reply of "Exit code: 1"