Virtuoel / Pehkui

Fabric/Forge/NeoForge/Quilt mod that allows for changing the size of any entity.
MIT License
87 stars 33 forks source link


Library mod for the Quilt, NeoForge, Forge, and Fabric mod loaders that allows mod developers to modify the size of entities.

Information for Players

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## Required Mods to Run
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### Playing on Quilt - Newest version of the [Quilt mod loader]( - Newest version of the [Quilt Stan]([dard Libraries]( for whichever Minecraft version you're playing on ### Playing on NeoForge - Newest version of the [NeoForge mod loader]( for whichever Minecraft version you're
playing on ### Playing on Forge - Newest version of the [Forge mod loader]( for whichever Minecraft version you're
playing on ### Playing on Fabric - Newest version of the [Fabric mod loader]( - Newest version of the [Fabric A]([PI mod]( for whichever Minecraft version you're
playing on
## Supported Minecraft Versions
Show/Hide Supported Minecraft Versions
### Fabric/Quilt Versions Supported Versions of `Pehkui-x.y.z+1.14.4-1.20.6`: `1.20.6`, `1.20.4`, `1.20.2`, `1.20.1`, `1.19.4`, `1.19.2`, `1.18.2`, `1.17.1`,
`1.16.5`, `1.15.2`, `1.14.4` ### NeoForge Versions Supported Versions of `Pehkui-x.y.z+1.20.6-neoforge`: `1.20.6` Supported Versions of `Pehkui-x.y.z+1.20.4-neoforge`: `1.20.4` Supported Versions of `Pehkui-x.y.z+1.20.2-neoforge`: `1.20.2` ### Forge Versions Supported Versions of `Pehkui-x.y.z+1.20.1-forge`: `1.20.1` Supported Versions of `Pehkui-x.y.z+1.19.4-forge`: `1.19.4` Supported Versions of `Pehkui-x.y.z+1.19.2-forge`: `1.19.2` Supported Versions of `Pehkui-x.y.z+1.18.2-forge`: `1.18.2` Supported Versions of `Pehkui-x.y.z+1.17.1-forge`: `1.17.1` Supported Versions of `Pehkui-x.y.z+1.16.5-forge`: `1.16.5`
## Mod Features
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Pehkui allows mod developers to: - Change the size of entities through modifying scale data - Affect other properties of an entity that are considered as dependant on the size
(e.g. movement speed, explosion size, reach distance) - Have the scalable properties of an entity be affected by other scale data types or by
external data through scale modifiers

Information for Developers

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## Adding a Dependency
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### Maven
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To make use of Pehkui in your own mod, you'll first need to go to the `repositories`
block of your `build.gradle`, typically found right before the `dependencies` block,
and add the JitPack Maven to the bottom of the block like below: ```groovy // ... repositories { // ... your other Maven repositories above, if any ... maven { url = "" } } dependencies { // ... } // ... ```
### Mod Version and Dependency Configuration
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Now that a Maven repository is specified, add `pehkui_version=x.y.z-w` to your
``, replacing `x.y.z-w` with one of the available version strings from
the [list of release tags](../../../tags). Lastly, in your `build.gradle`'s `dependencies` block, add the corresponding line from
below depending on your mod loader: #### Developing on Quilt/Fabric with Loom ```groovy modApi("com.github.Virtuoel:Pehkui:${pehkui_version}", { exclude group: "net.fabricmc.fabric-api" }) ``` #### Developing on NeoForge with NeoGradle ```groovy implementation "com.github.Virtuoel:Pehkui:${pehkui_version}" ``` #### Developing on Forge with ForgeGradle ```groovy implementation fg.deobf("com.github.Virtuoel:Pehkui:${pehkui_version}") ``` #### Developing on NeoForge/Forge with Architectury Loom ```groovy modApi("com.github.Virtuoel:Pehkui:${pehkui_version}") ```
### Fixing Mixins of Dependencies If Using ForgeGradle
Show/Hide Fix on ForgeGradle
If you're using Forge with ForgeGradle, make sure the `mixingradle` plugin is present and
applied: Make sure the following line is present in your `build.gradle`'s
`buildscript { repositories {} }` block. ```groovy maven { url = "" } ``` Then make sure the following line is present in your `build.gradle`'s
`buildscript { dependencies {} }` block. ```groovy classpath "org.spongepowered:mixingradle:0.7-SNAPSHOT" ``` Next, make sure the following line is present in your `build.gradle`. ```groovy apply plugin: "org.spongepowered.mixin" ``` Then regenerate your run configurations with `genEclipseRuns`, `genIntellijRuns`, or
`genVSCodeRuns` depending on your IDE.
Show/Hide Fix on Older ForgeGradle (4 and below)
If you're using Forge with ForgeGradle 4 or older, make sure refmap remapping is enabled
in your `build.gradle`'s run configuration blocks. Make sure the following lines are present in the `client {}`, `server {}`, and `data {}`
run configuration blocks. ```groovy property 'mixin.env.remapRefMap', 'true' property 'mixin.env.refMapRemappingFile', "${projectDir}/build/createSrgToMcp/output.srg" ``` Then regenerate your run configurations with `genEclipseRuns`, `genIntellijRuns`, or
`genVSCodeRuns` depending on your IDE.