Virtuoel / Pehkui

Fabric/Forge/NeoForge/Quilt mod that allows for changing the size of any entity.
MIT License
87 stars 33 forks source link

[Bug]: Untitled bug report #524

Open VGameAC opened 1 week ago

VGameAC commented 1 week ago

Minecraft version(s)


Minecraft version details

No response

Mod loader


Mod loader version


Fabric API version

No response

In what kind of world or server did the problem occur?

Other (specify in "What went wrong?" section)

What went wrong? (Crash logs don't go here)

couldn't even loaf, 10 seconds after clicking it it crashed

Full list of installed mods and their version numbers


Did the problem cause the game to crash?

Yes. (paste crash report below)

Full crash report contents (if you experienced a crash)


VGameAC commented 1 week ago

@Virtuoel you know how to fix this?

Virtuoel commented 1 week ago

Exit code 1 doesn't tell me anything on its own. I'll need the actual crash report to find out the problem. After looking up the modpack with that name, my only guess without access to the crash report is for you to try disabling the Performant mod if it's in the version of the pack you're running.