Virtuoel / Statement

MIT License
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Library mod for the Quilt, NeoForge, Forge, and Fabric mod loaders that allows mod developers to modify blockstates of existing blocks.

Information for Players

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## Required Mods to Run
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### Playing on Fabric - Newest version of the [Fabric mod loader]( - Newest version of the [Fabric A]([PI mod]( for whichever Minecraft version you're playing on ### Playing on Forge - Newest version of the [Forge mod loader]( for whichever Minecraft version you're playing on ### Playing on Quilt - Newest version of the [Quilt mod loader]( - Newest version of the [Quilt Stan]([dard Libraries]( for whichever Minecraft version you're playing on
## Supported Minecraft Versions
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### Fabric/Quilt Versions Supported Versions of `Statement-x.y.z+1.14.4-1.20.4`: `1.20.4`, `1.20.2`, `1.20.1`, `1.19.4`, `1.19.2`, `1.18.2`, `1.17.1`, `1.16.5`, `1.15.2`, `1.14.4` ### NeoForge Versions Supported Versions of `Statement-x.y.z+1.20.4-neoforge`: `1.20.4` Supported Versions of `Statement-x.y.z+1.20.2-neoforge`: `1.20.2` ### Forge Versions Supported Versions of `Statement-x.y.z+1.20.1-forge`: `1.20.1` Supported Versions of `Statement-x.y.z+1.19.4-forge`: `1.19.4` Supported Versions of `Statement-x.y.z+1.19.2-forge`: `1.19.2` Supported Versions of `Statement-x.y.z+1.18.2-forge`: `1.18.2` Supported Versions of `Statement-x.y.z+1.17.1-forge`: `1.17.1` Supported Versions of `Statement-x.y.z+1.16.5-forge`: `1.16.5`
## Mod Features
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Statement allows mod developers to: - Safely add and remove blockstate properties to/from existing blocks - Make new properties which would have a mutable collection of values that can be modified later - Perform the above points such that parts of vanilla that aren't coded with blockstate property mutability in mind don't break (e.g. certain parts of worldgen) - Have certain blockstates sync to the client as another type of blockstate (e.g. a property that only exists serverside) - Have certain blockstates' IDs be placed at the end of the blockstate ID list (prevents possible gaps in the ID list when combined with e.g. serverside properties)

Information for Developers

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## Adding a Dependency
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### Maven
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To make use of Statement in your own mod, you'll first need to go to your
`repositories` block near the top of your `build.gradle` and add JitPack
to the bottom of the block like below: ```groovy // ... repositories { // ... your other Maven repositories above, if any ... maven { url = "" } } dependencies { // ... } // ... ```
### Mod Version and Dependency Configuration
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Now that a Maven repository is specified, add `statement_version=x.y.z-w` to your
``, replacing `x.y.z-w` with one of the available version strings
from the [list of release tags](../../../tags). Lastly, in your `build.gradle`'s `dependencies` block, add the corresponding line from below depending on your mod loader: #### Developing for Quilt/Fabric with Loom ```groovy modApi("com.github.Virtuoel:Statement:${statement_version}", { exclude group: "net.fabricmc.fabric-api" }) ``` #### Developing for NeoForge with NeoGradle ```groovy implementation "com.github.Virtuoel:Statement:${statement_version}" ``` #### Developing for Forge with ForgeGradle ```groovy implementation fg.deobf("com.github.Virtuoel:Statement:${statement_version}") ``` #### Developing for Forge with Architectury Loom ```groovy modApi("com.github.Virtuoel:Statement:${statement_version}") ```
### Fixing Mixins of Dependencies If Using ForgeGradle
Show/Hide Fix on ForgeGradle
If you're using Forge with ForgeGradle, make sure the `mixingradle` plugin is present
and applied: Make sure the following line is present in your `build.gradle`'s
`buildscript { repositories {} }` block. ```groovy maven { url = "" } ``` Then make sure the following line is present in your `build.gradle`'s
`buildscript { dependencies {} }` block. ```groovy classpath "org.spongepowered:mixingradle:0.7-SNAPSHOT" ``` Next, make sure the following line is present in your `build.gradle`. ```groovy apply plugin: "org.spongepowered.mixin" ``` Then regenerate your run configurations with `genEclipseRuns`, `genIntellijRuns`, or
`genVSCodeRuns` depending on your IDE.
Show/Hide Fix on Older ForgeGradle (4 and below)
If you're using Forge with ForgeGradle 4 or older, make sure refmap remapping is
enabled in your `build.gradle`'s run configuration blocks. Make sure the following lines are present in the `client {}`, `server {}`, and
`data {}` run configuration blocks. ```groovy property 'mixin.env.remapRefMap', 'true' property 'mixin.env.refMapRemappingFile', "${projectDir}/build/createSrgToMcp/output.srg" ``` Then regenerate your run configurations with `genEclipseRuns`, `genIntellijRuns`, or
`genVSCodeRuns` depending on your IDE.