VirtusLab / infrastructure-as-types

Infrastructure as Types - modern infrastructure declaration and deployment toolkit
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Infrastructure as Types



The successor of this project is called Besom and uses Pulumi.

This repository is archived

Infrastructure as Types project provides tools for modern infrastructure declaration and deployment. From simple application deployment script to a complex custom control plane, we'd like to help you write the code you need.

To prioritise our efforts, please feel free to give us feedback as to what do you think we should do next.

You can reach-out to us on GitHub or fill a short anonymous form.

The Audience

We start our journey with an audience of:

In current stage, we encourage only experimental usage.

The Problem

With trends of moving complexity of non-functional requirements out of the application code, and creating smaller and smaller micro or even nano-services (?), we need tools to tackle the old and new complexity.

Main problems we want to solve:


Use your programming language to express it all, business logic and non-functional requirements.

We want every JVM developer (starting with Scala) to feel at home in a cloud native environment (starting with Kubernetes).

We believe that a developer friendly infrastructure abstractions are increasingly necessary in the age of the cloud. Bootstrapping and maintaining a distributed system required by a modern business requirements is often challenging and costly. Real-world use cases come with complexity that YAMLs ans JSONs can't reliably express. Strongly typed general purpose programming language, like Scala, is a game changer.

The plan for this PoC is simple, provide a set of tools for micro-service infrastructure development:

Design considerations:

Problem classes addressed:

We believe that with more work we could be able to do even more, especially with orchestrating kubernetes and a service mesh.

Additional opportunities and future development ideas:


The first backend we provide is the Kubernetes API.

Fragments of classic GuestBook example with added Network Policy:

val guestbook = Namespace(Name("guestbook") :: Nil)

val frontend = Application(
  Name("frontend") :: App("guestbook") :: Tier("frontend") :: Nil,
    Name("php-redis") :: Nil,
    image = "",
    ports = TCP(80) :: Nil,
    envs = "GET_HOSTS_FROM" -> "dns" :: Nil
  ) :: Nil

val redisMaster = Application(
  Name("redis-master") :: App("redis") :: Role("master") :: Tier("backend") :: Nil,
    Name("master") :: Nil,
    image = "",
    ports = TCP(6379) :: Nil
  ) :: Nil

import iat.kubernetes.dsl.NetworkPolicy.ops._

val connFrontRedis = frontend
  .labeled(Name("front-redis") :: App("guestbook") :: Nil)
val connFrontDns = frontend

import iat.skuber.deployment._
import skuber.json.format._

val ns: Seq[Summary] =
  guestbook.interpret.upsertBlocking().summary :: Nil
val apps: Seq[Summary] = List(

val conns: Seq[Summary] = List(

See the full GuestBook example here. For a different flavour, see the same applications but materialized into JSON/YAML.

Core concepts

The basic concepts in the Infrastructure as Types high-level graphs are Label, Protocol and Identity, and, of course, types.

Label, protocol, identity

A label is a simple key/value pair. Can be used for grouping, selection or informational purposes.

trait Labeled {
  def labels: List[Label]

trait Label {
  def key: String
  def value: String

Protocols are stacked in Layers. For more details see Protocol and Protocols.

trait Protocol

object Protocol {
  trait Layer7 extends Protocol
  trait Layer4 extends Protocol
  trait Layer3 extends Protocol

  trait Layers[L7 <: Protocol.Layer7, L4 <: Protocol.Layer4, L3 <: Protocol.Layer3] {
    def l7: L7
    def l4: L4
    def l3: L3

  trait IP extends Protocol.Layer3 with HasCidr
  trait UDP extends Protocol.Layer4 with HasPort
  trait TCP extends Protocol.Layer4 with HasPort

  trait HTTP extends Protocol.L7 {
    def method: HTTP.Method
    def path: HTTP.Path
    def host: HTTP.Host

Peer and Selection

Type, expressions, protocols and identities for a node of the connectivity graph. Peer is a connectivity graph node that is instance of type A. Selection is a connectivity graph node of type A and no instance.

trait Peer[A] extends Reference[A] with Selection[A] { self: A =>

trait Selection[A] {
  def expressions: Expressions
  def protocols: Protocols
  def identities: Identities

trait Reference[A] { self: A =>
  def reference: A = self

Extension points

There are many extension points provided to enable extension and customization.


The most important extension point is the Interpretable trait. It is a type that can be interpreted to some form of output.

trait Interpretable[A] extends Reference[A] { self: A =>

Interpretable[A] types get their implementation specific methods from an implicit class, e.g.:

implicit class SecretInterpretationOps(val obj: Secret) 
  extends InterpreterOps1[Secret, Namespace, model.Secret]

It adds interpretWith method that take an implementation specific context C (Namespace) and implicit function from A (Secret) and C to some B1 (model.Secret).

trait InterpreterOps1[A, C, B1 <: Base] {
  def obj: Interpretable[A]
  def interpretWith(
      ctx: C
      interpreter: (A, C) => B1
    ): B1 = interpreter(obj.reference, ctx)

See core/InterpreterOps for details.

The Interpretable[A] and InterpreterOpsX combined, give essentially the ability to go from a Kubernetes DSL Secret and Namespace to Kubernetes API model.Secret.

This mechanism gives the flexibility to:

On the downside, it adds an abstraction layer, so we may remove it in the future and scrafice generality for usability.

Moreover, the returned type B1 extends an implementation specific Base type. As a consequence, another implicit class can be added to the chain, e.g.:

type Base = ApiModel

implicit class ApiModelOps1[A <: Base](a: A) {
    def asJValues(implicit formats: Formats): List[JValue] = ???

This allows for interesting use cases, e.g.:

app                 // an application 'app'
  .interpret(ns)    // interpreted into a namespace 'ns'
  .map(appDetails)  // with a modified interpreter output (low level API)
  .upsertBlocking() // created or updated on a cluster
  .deinterpret      // de-interpreted back into high level API
  .summary          // summarize the difference between applied and defined 'app' 


Patchable type is a simple convenience method to enable changes to the immutable types.

trait Patchable[A] { self: A =>
  def patch(f: A => A): A = f(self)

This is especially useful to express differences in the runtime environments (e.g. dev vs prod).


The project is in alpha and under heavy development, any and all APIs can change without notice.

API/Technology Status
kubernetes alpha
istio -
linkerd -
envoy -
knative -
Kubernetes Client Status
skuber alpha
OpenAPI / sttp experimental
Use case Status
JSON/YAML generation alpha
Kubernetes Deployment experimental
JSON/YAML diff -
Kubernetes Operator -
Unit and integration tests basic

Community & Contribution

There is a dedicated channel #infrastructure-as-types on (Invite form)

Feel free to file issues or pull requests.

Before any big pull request please consult the maintainers to ensure a common direction.


The project is a standard Scala/sbt project. Examples require a Kubernetes API access (~/.kube/config).

Test cluster config is available with (available only internally):

gcloud container clusters get-credentials standard-cluster-1 --zone us-central1-a --project infrastructure-as-types