VishalIITP / CodepeakSuperDuper

Nwock codepeak project repo
6 stars 9 forks source link

Hello !! Kartikay Gupta and Vishal Yadav are the mentors for this project.

Project Description:

You all might have seen the cool website we had for Codepeak this year.
But wasn't something missing ??😶
Yes you guessed it right !! 😉
Why to fill google forms when you already have your own website.🧐
So here, we aim to add backend to our website so, that from next time everything can be dynamically controlled. 🤓
We shall also aim to improve the frontend of the website.

Tech Stack:

  • Frontend: UI/UX, HTML, CSS, JS, ReactJs
  • Backend: NOde Js, Mongo Db
    The project is for full-stack web development from beginner to advanced

Steps for Contributing

  • Select a particular issue and let us know on discord or in the comment section of that issue that you want to work on it.
  • All communication will be done through Discord Channel.
  • Discord Channel Link
  • We will assign you the issue and you need to make the necessary changes.
  • Create a pull request and send the screenshots or videos of the changes on our discord channel.
  • Once the changes are apporved ,we will merge it and award you points.
  • If the work is not up to the mark, then we will suggest some changes and guide you.
  • For more info. go through the Student Guide

Setup the project

Fork the repository

git clone [forked repo link]

Then Push the changes
Then Create a PR

How to push changes ??

Setup the repository in your local machine and make the necessary changes.
Open Terminal and write the following commands :

git status
git add .
git commit -m '[Changes you made]'
git push origin main

Connect with us on:

Happy Devlopment!!😀