A platform agnostic .NET library for the creation of code first user interfaces.
Code your user interface, update your state, and let Birch do the rest.
See the Wiki for more information Wiki.
A simple Android Activity in which the UserDetails widget is created and used for the layout.
[Activity(Label = "@string/app_name", Theme = "@style/AppTheme.NoActionBar", MainLauncher = true)]
public class NewMainActivity : BuildActivity
private UserDetails _userDetails;
public override void Init(BuildEnvironment buildEnvironment)
_userDetails = new UserDetails(buildEnvironment);
protected override IPrimitive PerformLayout(LayoutContext layoutContext) =>
new Activity(this, _userDetails.Layout(layoutContext))
.Title("Edit User Details")
.Call((a, p) => a.SetPersistent(p), true);
Illustrates the usage of expression parsing for the 'Call'.
An implementation of a simple counter app in Xamarin Forms
public class CounterPageMsg : BaseContentPage<CounterPageMsg.Model>
private readonly Timer _timer = new Timer(10) {Enabled = false, AutoReset = true};
private Model _model;
public class Model
public double Count { get; set; }
public double Step { get; set; }
public bool TimerOn { get; set; }
public CounterPageMsg()
_timer.Elapsed += (sender, args) => Dispatch(new TimerTick());
public class Increment : Msg { }
public class Decrement : Msg { }
public class Reset : Msg { }
public class Toggle : Msg<bool> { }
public class SetStep : Msg<double> { }
public class TimerTick : Msg{}
public override Model InitState() => _model = new Model() {Count = 0, Step = 1, TimerOn = false};
protected override IPrimitive PerformLayout(LayoutContext layoutContext, Model model) =>
Button("Increment").OnClicked(() => Dispatch(new Increment())),
Button("Decrement").OnClicked(() => Dispatch(new Decrement())),
Label("Timer"), Switch(model.TimerOn).OnToggled((t) => Dispatch(new Toggle{Content=t.Value}))).
Slider(0, 10).Value(model.Step).OnValueChanged((x) => Dispatch(new SetStep{Content = x.NewValue})),
Label($"Step size {model.Step}").HorizontalOptions(LayoutOptions.Center),
Button("Reset").HorizontalOptions(LayoutOptions.Center).OnClicked(() => Dispatch(new Reset()))
).Padding(new Thickness(30.0)).VerticalOptions(LayoutOptions.Center);
private void Dispatch(Msg msg) => Update(msg);
private void Update(Msg msg)
switch (msg)
case Increment _:
_model.Count += _model.Step;
case Decrement _:
_model.Count -= _model.Step;
case Reset _:
_timer.Enabled = false;
case Toggle t:
_timer.Enabled = t;
_model.TimerOn = t;
case SetStep s:
_model.Step = s;
case TimerTick _:
_model.Count += _model.Step;
public class UserPasswordWidget : StatefulContainer<UserPasswordWidget.Model>
public class Model
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Password { get; set; }
public bool IsNameValid => Name.Length >= 10;
public Model(string name, string password) => (Name, Password) = (name, Password);
private readonly Model _current;
public UserPasswordWidget(BuildEnvironment environment) : base(environment)
_current = new Model("enter your user name", "this is the password");
public override Model InitState() => _current;
protected override IPrimitive PerformLayout(LayoutContext layoutContext, Model model)
IEnumerable<IPrimitive> Items()
yield return EditText(model.Name)
.OnCreate((Shadow<EditText> s) => { s.Item.RequestFocus(); })
if (!model.IsNameValid)
yield return TextView("Your username isn't valid", Dimensions.MatchMatch)
.SetTextSize(ComplexUnitType.Dip, 24.0f);
yield return EditText(model.Password)
.InputType(InputTypes.ClassText | InputTypes.TextVariationPassword);
return LinearLayout(Items(),Dimensions.MatchWrap)
private void OnUsernameChanged(TextChangedEventArgs args)
_current.Name = args.Text?.ToString();