Vita3K / compatibility

Commercial game compatibility database
130 stars 52 forks source link


Commercial game compatibility database for Vita3K.

The Compatibility web page fetches data from this repo.

If you want to be a tester and help test games, ask us for write access on our Discord server.

Note: This repository does not guarantee compatibility and is not intended for Android. Submit Android specific issues here.

What NOT to post:

These comments will be deleted as soon as we find them.

Report guidelines:

If you can't find the game issue you want to report, please create a new one.

The following checks are performed by the bot, and those that do not meet will be automatically closed:

No checks by bots, but be sure to provide screenshots and logs.

For testers

You can remove all old labels and give new ones by writing labels under # Recommended labels in the issue comment.