VitalLabs / nativestore

Low-level, client-side database for Clojurescript applications integrated with the Derive library.
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NativeStore is an explicitly indexed in-memory datastore for managing native objects. It supports the Derive library's dependency tracking protocol.

NativeStore is best thought of as an in-memory heap with database-like semantics on which one or more ordered indexes can be defined. Objects can be insert!'ed and remove!'ed. Insert operations have upsert-merge semantics, combining the key-value set of the new object with the existing state. The transaction! function enables you to perform a set of updates and inform listeners of the aggregate updates rather than on each primitive insert! operation.


The best way to become familiar with native store

user=> (require '[nativestore.core :as store])

Store Interface

NativeStore indexes a heap of native javascript objects uniquely identified by a root key "id". It has a simple public API.

Add, removing, and retrieve objects:

(let [store (store/create)]    ;; Returns a mutable store object
   (store/insert! store obj)   ;; Insert object in DB and return
   (store/delete! store id)    ;; Delete object by ID
   (store/transact! store fn)  ;; Batch multiple inserts/deletes
   (get store id)              ;; Return object for id
   (store id)                  ;; A store implements IKeywordLookup

Declare and use an index on the store. Objects that return nil when passed to key-fn are not indexed.

(store/ensure-index store name key-fn)     ;; Declare an index with default sorting on key
(store/ensure-index store name key-fn comparator-fn)
(store/ensure-index store name index)      ;; Add an explicit index (see below)

You'll want to use the explicit index form for things like compound indexes. An ordered index is the default.

user=> (->> (store/ordered-index (store/field-key :lastname) compare)
            (store/ensure-index store :lastname))

user=> (->> (store/compound-index [:lastname :age] [compare >])
            (store/ensure-index store :name-age))

Store Cursors

Indexes are based on the Closure library's binary search operation over arrays or standard JS object hashes. The only public interface to indexes is a Cursor object. A Cursor maintains pointers into the materialized array index and provides read-only access to the collection.

Cursors are reducable (implement IReduce) so you can use them with transducers and standard seq operations such as map, into, etc. They do not, however, implement the seq protocol as they are a wrapper around a native read-only array. Cursors are not guaranteed to be valid across transaction/insert! boundaries so should be used in contexts with finite extent.

(store/cursor store)                       ;; A collection over the whole store
(store/cursor store index-name)            ;; A collection over the whole index
(store/cursor store index-name start)      ;; Collection over index starting at start
(store/cursor store index-name start end)  ;; Range over the index

Some examples of use:

(store/insert! store #js {:id 1 :firstname "Joe" :lastname "Smith"})
(store/insert! store #js {:id 2 :firstname "Fred" :lastname "Savage"})
(store/insert! store #js {:id 3 :firstname "Larry" :lastname "Stooge"})
(store/insert! store #js {:id 4 :firstname "Curly" :lastname "Stooge"})
(store/insert! store #js {:id 5 :firstname "Mo" :lastname "Stooge"})
(store/insert! store #js {:id 6 :firstname "Reginald" :lastname "Quince"})

(->> (store/cursor :name)
     (into []))

(let [xform (comp (map :firstname) (map count))]
  (into [] xform (store/cursor :name)))

(defn running-avg
  "Reducing function for computing the running average (mutates)"
  ([] (js-obj "sum" 0 "cnt" 0))
  ([avg] (/ (aget avg "sum") (aget avg "cnt")))
  ([avg val]
    (aset avg "sum" (+ (aget avg "sum") val))
    (aset avg "cnt" (inc (aget avg "cnt")))

(defn td-avg-string-len
  "Transducer that computes average string length of a collection"  
  [key coll]
  (let [xform (comp (map key) (remove empty?) (map count))]
    (->> (transduce xform running-avg coll)

(->> (store/cursor :name)
     (td-avg-string-len :firstname))

The Native Type

When you add an object to a store, NativeStore upgrades its type to native which operates just like a native object, but adds a few features and protocol implementations.

user=> (def obj (as-native #js {:firstname "John" :lastname "Smith" :age 23}))
#native {:firstname "John" :lastname "Smith" :age 23}

user=> (:firstname obj)  ;; Keyword access

user=> (obj :firstname)  ;; Map-like interface

user=> (assoc obj :firstname "Fred")   ;; via shallow clone
#native {:firstname "Fred" :lastname "Smith" :age 23}

user=> obj
#native {:firstname "John" :lastname "Smith" :age 23}

user=> (assoc! obj :firstname "Johnny")  ;; mutating
#native {:firstname "Johnny" :lastname "Smith" :age 23}

user=> obj
#native {:firstname "Johnny" :lastname "Smith" :age 23}

user=> (store 1)
#native {:id 1 :firstname "Joe" :lastname "Smith"}

user=> (assoc! (store 1) :firstname "Joseph")
;; ERROR!  The store returns read only natives

user=> (assoc (store 1) :firstname "Joseph")
#native {:id 1 :firstname "Joeseph" :lastname "Smith"}

Native objects support the common clojurescript interfaces countable, assocable, transient, and lookup. Standard assoc operations return shallow clones of objects with the new change. assoc! is an abstraction over aset.

Native objects stored in the store are marked read-only on insertion. When native objects are cloned the read-only setting is cleared, allowing assoc'ed copies to be freely mutated by downstream code. The database state object can be updated by calling insert! on the store with the mutated object.

The intent with Native objects is to encourage the use of Clojure idioms on native objects so we can enforce constraints like read-only (to avoid pernicious changes to the datastore) and dependency tracking when accessing referenced objects.


We also provide a Reference type to simplify modeling state that has a relational or graph-like structure. When the clojure API is used to access a Native attribute, if the resulting value implements the IReference protocol, the reference is followed and the referenced value returned instead. This is implemented as a deftype which maintains a reference to the store value and the root ID to lookup ("id").

References are usually setup at import time:

user=> (store/insert! store #js {:id 104 :firstname "Sally" :lastname "Smith"
                                 :father (store/reference 101)})
user=> (store/insert! store #js {:id 105 :firstname "Johnny" :lastname "Smith"
                                 :father (store/reference 101)})
user=> (store/insert! store
         #js {:id 101 :firstname "Joe" :lastname "Smith"
              :children [(store/reference store 104)
                         (store/reference store 105)]})

References are supported by the keyword access protocol and unpacked when read by looking up the current value of the object in the database.

user=> (get-in (store 104) [:father :firstname])

user=> (mapv :firstname (:children (store 101)))
  ["Sally" "Johnny"]

Derive Integration

One of the design goals for NativeStore was to provide a foundation for the concepts in the Derive library. Because maintaining copies of mutable objects can be error prone, we would like to carefully bound the lifecycle of a set of queried objects so they are not used again unless they are guaranteed to be "current". (Datomic-style immutable value semantics are not a goal of NativeStore, although history and recoverability may be -- see below).

Derive helps us define functions using the macro defnd that always return a value computed from the latest state of the database, but without recomputing the result each time. Instead, the function subscribes to updates from the database and invalidates results iff the query result would depend on the latest changes.

(defnd note-view [store note-id]
  (let [note (store note-id)]
    (-> note
        (update-in :content render-markdown) ;; make a copy
        (assoc! :last-edited (date-str (:last-edited note))))))

This function memoizes the result of the call along with the dependencies of the query (here just the note-id) reported by the store during the execution of the defnd's body. Callers of defnd, such as an Om render method, can use on-changes to capture dynamic dependences and invoke a callback when any of those dependencies change. e.g.

(render [_]
  (derive/on-changes [(derive/om-subscribe-handler owner) #(om/refresh! owner)]
    (render-note (note-view (om/get-shared owner :store) note-id))))

The Om subscription handler manages storing the handler and clearing it when a new callback is being subscribed. You can also implement a will-unmount handler using derive/om-unsubscribe-component to unregister the callback when the component is re-rendered or unmounted to avoid memory leaks. The refresh function is called when new dependencies are written.

Here is a more complete derive function involving copying and mutation of the retrieved data.

(defnd note-view [store note-id]
  (let [note   (db note-id)
        sender (:sender note)]                       ;; via native refs
    (-> note 
        (assoc      :note-class (f-of-note note)     ;; ensure a copy
        (update-in! :date       human-readable)      ;; mutation
        (assoc!     :content    escape-content)))))  ;; mutation

Overwriting the original note would pullute the DB in an untrackable way so is an error (via the read-only flag on natives) but the copy is mutable. Attribute references that use the reference object also participate in the dependency tracking protocol.

Caveat emptor

The immutable abstraction of NativeStore is not rigorously enforced. Some critical things you should keep in mind:

All these tradeoffs may be reconsidered in future revisions of the NativeStore. NativeStore should be considered at an Alpha level of completeness.

Use NativeStore responsibly. We emphasized performance with reasonable flexiblity and safety. Adherence to the conventions mentioned above is crucial to avoid misusing the tool and creating difficult to track down bugs.