VizGrimoire / VizGrimoireR

R Library to analyze data gathered from Metrics Grimoire and others
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R package vizgrimoire, to make life easier to those using Metrics Grimoire tools, and maybe vizGrimoireJS.

Some more documentation can be found in the vizGrimoireR wiki.

Dependencies and installation from source

See the vizGrimoireR wiki for up to date information about dependencies and how to install the vizgrimoire R library from sources.

General issues

Each class is defined in the corresponding file, with a name starting with "Class", followed by the name of the class. For example, class Query is defined in file ClassQuery.

Query class hierarchy

Hierarchy of R classes to deal with queries on SQL databases created by Metrics Grimoire.

Query: Root of the hierarchy


ITSTicketsTimes: class for handling the many times of each ticket

This class, when initialized, makes a query on an ITS (issue tracking system) database, and stores the result as a data frame with the many times relevant for each ticket (open, closed, changed, etc.)



issues_closed <- new ("ITSTicketsTimes")
quantiles_ttofixm_year <- QuantilizeYears (issues_closed, quantiles_spec)
plotTimeSerieYearN (quantiles_ttofixm_year, as.character(quantiles_spec),

ITSMonthly: class for dealing with monthly parameters

This class provides a framework for quering a database looking for aggregated monthly parameters (such as tickets open and ticker openers per month). Most of the functionality is here (initialize the object, create JSON files, etc.), but each child specializes its particularities, which are mainly the query needed to extract the data from the database.


ITSMonthlyOpen: class for tickets open, openers per month

Inherits from ITSMonthly.

Object with information about tickets open, and ticket openers, per month.


Example of use

open.monthly <- new ("ITSMonthlyOpen")
JSON(open.monthly, "its-open-monthly.json")

ITSMonthlyChanged: class for tickets changed, changers per month

Inherits from ITSMonthly.

Object with information about tickets changed, and ticket changers, per month.


ITSMonthlyClosed: class for tickets closed (first close) per month

Inherits from ITSMonthly.

Object with information about tickets closed (first close) per month.


ITSMonthlyLastClosed: class for tickets closed (last close) per month

Inherits from ITSMonthly.

Object with information about tickets closed (last close) per month.


ITSMonthlyVarious: class for all monthly parameters related to tickets

Inherits from ITSMonthly.

Object with information about all monthly parameters related to tickets. Internally, it instantiated objects of all the sister classes, and merges them. Therefore, no query is done directly by this class: sister classes are the ones actually querying the database.


Time series class hierarchy

Hierarchy for dealing with specialized time series

TimeSeries: Root of the hierarchy

Still to be written

TimeSeriesYears: Class for annual time series

Inherits from ts (should inherit from TimeSeries)


Times class hierarchy

Hierarchy for handling a vector with times for certain events (for example, time to fix for a list of tickets)

Times: Root of the hierarchy

Inherits from vector


Example of use:

issues_closed <- new ("ITSTicketsTimes")
tofix <- new ("Times", issues_closed$ttofix, "days",
              "Time to fix, first close")
PlotDist (tofix, 'its-distrib_time_to_fix')