VladimirFibe / Recipes

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Recipes - DevRush Marathon XII Challenge #2

GitHub repo size GitHub contributors GitHub last commit Framework iOS Swift UIKit


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--- ### Technologies Stack: * SDK version - Swift 5 * Minimum iOS target - iOS 15 * Only iPhone * Only Portrait mode * UserDefaults * Framework Kingfisher * RESTful API * MVC --- # Description of functionality:

Onboarding Screens - **Welcome Screen:** Introduction to the app with a brief description of its features. - **Feature Highlights:** Screens showcasing the main functionalities such as recipe search, adding to favorites, and creating your own recipes. - **Get Started or Skip:** Option for the user to start using the app immediately or skip the onboarding process.
Main Screen - **Get amazing recipes for cooking:** Discover a variety of recipes from different cuisines. - **Search-Bar:** Implemented for searching recipes by keyword. - **Trending now:** Displays currently popular recipes. - **Popular category:** Categorizes recipes by type (e.g., Breakfast, Salad, etc.). - **Recent recipes:** Shows the latest added recipes.
Saved Recipes Screen - **Displays recipes saved by the user:** Easily access your favorite recipes. - **Recipe details:** Each saved recipe shows the title, image, rating, and preparation time. - **Manage favorites:** Users can easily access and manage their favorite recipes.
Tab Bar - **Home:** Navigates to the main screen with trending and popular recipes. - **Favorites:** Shows saved recipes that the user has marked as favorites. - **Add:** Opens the screen for creating a new recipe. - **Profile:** Takes the user to their personal account with their data and created recipes.
Create Your Own Recipe Screen - **Recipe Name Input:** Field for entering the name of the recipe. - **Ingredients List:** Fields for entering ingredient names and quantities. - **Cooking Time:** Field for entering the cooking time. - **Photo Upload:** Option to upload a photo of the dish. - **Save Recipe Button:** Button to save the created recipe.
Recipe Detail Screen - **Recipe Title:** Displays the name of the recipe. - **Recipe Image:** Showcases an image of the prepared dish. - **Rating:** Displays the average rating and number of reviews for the recipe. - **Instructions Section:** Provides step-by-step cooking instructions. Includes detailed steps to guide the user through the preparation process. - **Ingredients List:** Lists all necessary ingredients with their respective quantities. Displays icons and names for each ingredient.