Vladislp / Smart-Brain

Smart-Brain is a web application that allows users to upload their picture and automatically detects the location of the person's face in the image. (Work in progress)
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Smart-Brain is a web application that allows users to upload their picture and automatically detects the location of the person's face in the image. A square is then drawn around the detected face to highlight its location. Features

User-friendly interface for uploading images Advanced facial recognition technology to detect faces in uploaded images Automatic square around the detected face to highlight its location Real-time processing of uploaded images for fast results Ability to detect multiple faces in a single image

Technologies Used

React.js for the frontend

Node.js and Express.js for the backend

Clarifai API for facial recognition

PostgreSQL for the database


To run this application locally, clone this repository and run npm install to install the dependencies. Then, run npm start to start the server and launch the application in your web browser.


This project was created by me as part of The Complete Web Developer in 2023: Zero to Mastery course in Udemy.