Voidmenull / DebuffTimers

Timer Overlays for enemy buffs and debuffs
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The problem with RUru localization. (GlobalStrings.lua) #9

Open gamer4eg opened 7 years ago

gamer4eg commented 7 years ago

They were translated titles abilities, but I ran into a problem that occurs in the combat log translate (GlobalStrings.lua) below will put the file with his ruru and ENus versions, please fix addon on RUru client =)

The file (GlobalStrings.lua) contains the type of reference: 'Is immune to your (. *)%.', Only in Russian (two files in English and Russian, the strings are identical)

GlobalStrings.lua(RUru and ENus): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2RWjLl8UkfxaTNBREhmbFZPbTA/view?usp=sharing DebuffTimers(rus): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2RWjLl8UkfxUlYzVDlPaXRzdEU/view?usp=sharing

Voidmenull commented 7 years ago

awesome, this helps me much, i will contact you later for more translations!

gamer4eg commented 7 years ago

Already done) (RUru version) Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2RWjLl8UkfxdlVETVNhcl9tR1E

Voidmenull commented 7 years ago

i seen this but i dont want multiple version, i will build this into one version

Voidmenull commented 7 years ago

i was in a russian chat today and they told me that there is no russian client therefore i cant make a version with localization for russians...

Voidmenull commented 7 years ago

i need also translation for:

    ["Polymorph: Cow"] = "Polymorph: Cow", -- TODO
    ["Polymorph: Pig"] = "Polymorph: Pig", -- TODO
    ["Polymorph: Turtle"] = "Polymorph: Turtle", -- TODO
    ["Mind Flay"] = "Mind Flay", -- TODO
    ["Mind Control"] = "Mind Control", -- TODO
gamer4eg commented 7 years ago

["Polymorph: Cow"] = "Превращение: корова", -- TODO spell=28270 ["Polymorph: Pig"] = "Превращение: свинья", -- TODO spell=28272 ["Polymorph: Turtle"] = "Превращение: черепаха", -- TODO spell=28271 ["Mind Flay"] = "Пытка разума", -- TODO spell=15407 ["Mind Control"] = "Контроль над разумом", -- TODO spell=605

You need Ruru spell.dbc? I can provide. (With DBC Editore)

Voidmenull commented 7 years ago

nope, i will ask you here when i add more spells :)

gamer4eg commented 7 years ago

In my attempt to localize your addon for some reason ceased to appear some spells. Example: Charge Stun (Атака-оглушение) http://db.vanillagaming.org/?spell=14809 Revenge Stun (Реванш - оглушение) http://db.vanillagaming.org/?spell=12798 Attention to spaces before / after the dash - the names copied from spell.dbc

Voidmenull commented 7 years ago

the translation will be saved in an additional file for all languages:

this is what i have atm: http://pastebin.com/0SNuLvB7

Voidmenull commented 7 years ago

run this macro and tell em what it does say:

/run DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(GetLocale())

gamer4eg commented 7 years ago

/run DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(GetLocale()) ruRU

I'll check just in case the transfer to http://pastebin.com/

Voidmenull commented 7 years ago

alright, ty

gamer4eg commented 7 years ago

Druid ["Волшебный огонь (облик зверя)"] = "Faerie Fire (Feral)", !!! Волшебный огонь (зверь)
["Умиротворение"] = "Soothe Animal", !!! Умиротворение животного ["Звериный рывок - эффект"] = "Feral Charge Effect", !!!! Звериная атака - эффект ["Звериный рывок"] = "Feral Charge", !!!! Звериная атака

Hunter ["Взрывная ловушка"] = "Explosive Trap Effect", !!! Эффект взрывной ловушки ["Обжигающая ловушка"] = "Immolation Trap Effect", !!! Эффект обжигающей ловушки ["Замораживающая ловушка"] = "Freezing Trap Effect", !!! Эффект замораживающей ловушки ["Ледяная ловушка"] = "Frost Trap Aura", !!! Аура ледяной ловушки ["Западня"] = "Entrapment", !!! Удержание --Mage ok --Paladin ok
--Priest ok --Rogue ok

gamer4eg commented 7 years ago

Shaman ok Warlock ["Пироклазм"] = "Pyroclasm", !!!! Огнесдвиг ["Глубокий ожог души"] = "Aftermath", !!! Последствия ["Бич агонии"] = "Curse of Agony", !!! Проклятие агонии ["Проклятие тени"] = "Curse of Shadow", !!!! Проклятие Тьмы ["Рок"] = "Curse of Doom", !!!! Проклятие рока ["Власть над Тьмой"] = "Shadow Vulnerability", !!! Уязвимость к Тьме ["Пробуждение инфернала"] = "Inferno Effect", !!! Эффект инфернала Warrior ["Обезоруживание"] = "Disarm", !!! Разоружение ["Перехват"] = "Intercept Stun", !!! Перехват оглушение ["Специализация на одноручном оружии"] = "Mace Specialization", !!! Специализация на дробящем оружии General ok Huuuuuuf Do not make my mistake, take the names of spells ONLY spell.dbc ....

gamer4eg commented 7 years ago

I would be glad if you give the same list for BuffTimers) And also I wanted to ask-is possible to realize the synchronization of add-ons from the players (to the data of your buffs / debuffs) were transferred to other players with the addon in the group / raid?

Voidmenull commented 7 years ago

buffs come later - the sync function would be kinda nice but would req. a lot of rewriting - not planed atm, but nice idea

gamer4eg commented 7 years ago

If it is implemented, your addon will become mandatory in instances / raids As a temporary measure - sending a message about the imposition / propadenii buff / debuff?

gamer4eg commented 7 years ago

And update the code please if ready - we want to see all debuffs (and not part of, in my version of the curve =))

gamer4eg commented 7 years ago

In any case, to clarify - in my list is the correct translation - at the end of the string, and the string of code is shown unchanged

Voidmenull commented 7 years ago

yea ik, ty :) i will update the code late this week, but i will post the translation here later so you can help me to test and translate for russian language

gamer4eg commented 7 years ago

Certainly I help, and help my guild) Would that I could not test the Paladins (play for Horde). It remains to find a Chinese, for the Chinese translation)))

gamer4eg commented 7 years ago

["(.+) is afflicted by (.+)%."] = "(.+) находится под воздействием эффекта (.+)%.", This line does not work (on vsmysle ruRU client does not work). * = ( I do not know what to do, trying in different ways. Provide a link to ruRU client for tests? If that link (torrent): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2RWjLl8UkfxRjBmNTZFdExtS0U/view?usp=sharing

gamer4eg commented 7 years ago

I fix it!

    for unit, effect in string.gfind(arg1, '(.+) находится под воздействием эффекта \"(.+)\"%.') do
gamer4eg commented 7 years ago

Do you have a registration code diminishing? I just have not found) If not present then it was used very best.

Voidmenull commented 7 years ago

sorry but i will not test other languages myself :) thats your work - i will post you a version for testing tomorrow, keep the good work up!

gamer4eg commented 7 years ago

Do you plan the implementation of diminishing? Ie when using stun (for example) to add to the list of mobs to N seconds, and when re-stunned if the mob is still in the list, to reduce the time from the formula diminishing.

Voidmenull commented 7 years ago

diminishing is already implented - if its bugged for a special skill you have to tell me

gamer4eg commented 7 years ago

it does not work on ruRU client Example after stunning revenge (Warrior)

Voidmenull commented 7 years ago

it doesnt work because of your direkt spell translation, it will work in my version

gamer4eg commented 7 years ago

When to wait for the update of code?)

Voidmenull commented 7 years ago

sorry, was too slow today, will post your a version tomorrow :)

gamer4eg commented 7 years ago


gamer4eg commented 7 years ago


gamer4eg commented 7 years ago

I think I'll learn quickly fasten and attach language support ...

Voidmenull commented 7 years ago

chill :) server was down for some time and i couldnt test - will post you the new version in 1-2 hours :)

gamer4eg commented 7 years ago


Voidmenull commented 7 years ago

im done with the new functions now - gimme another hour to implent and test the translation

Voidmenull commented 7 years ago


here is the current version - you have also more options in the menu now

Voidmenull commented 7 years ago

check out localization.lua and correct there for testing

the not-translated lines are marked as --TODO

gamer4eg commented 7 years ago

For some reason it does not start in the localization client ruRU

gamer4eg commented 7 years ago

Still bugs to test it with the locale ruRU recommend downloading the client. There is a regime of Russian and English, so that the test will be doubly convenient.

gamer4eg commented 7 years ago

["(.-)%(Rank (%d+)%)"] = "(.-)%(Уровень (%d+)%)", — TODO ["(.+) dies"] = "(.+) погибает", — TODO ["^([^%s'])"] = "^([^%s'])" According to the developers - the latest changes in the last row are not needed.

By the way here's a link to one of the client developer https://github.com/M2us

Voidmenull commented 7 years ago

i downloaded the client, will prob. tests tomorrow

gamer4eg commented 7 years ago

Thank you very much.

gamer4eg commented 7 years ago

Language mode setting to the left under the news tape Blizzard

Voidmenull commented 7 years ago

i forgot to translate the target debuff translation :) this version works so far for me: http://en.file-upload.net/download-12251134/DebuffTimers.zip.html

please test it if the textparser works so far i also have 2 lines to translate inside, marked as TODO

gamer4eg commented 7 years ago
    ["Уязвимость к огню"] = "Fire Vulnerability", --TODO
    ["Зимняя стужа"] = "Winter's Chill", --TODO
gamer4eg commented 7 years ago

dont work stun timers.... again...

Voidmenull commented 7 years ago

the rank detection was not translated...try the new version: http://en.file-upload.net/download-12252236/DebuffTimers.zip.html

gamer4eg commented 7 years ago

diminishing dont work. again =)