Voldrix / onlyfans-dl-2

OnlyFans content downloader v2
GNU General Public License v3.0
148 stars 24 forks source link

OnlyFans Profile Downloader / Archiver v2

This tool downloads all photos/videos from OnlyFans profiles, creating a local archive.\ You must be subscribed to the profile to download their content.

onlyfans-dl will create a directory named after the profile in the current working directory.\ A subdirectory structure will be built depending on the options set.\ Any existing media will be skipped, not redownloaded.\ Content will be named as DATE_ID.EXT (e.g. 2021-04-17_123456.jpg)


Requires Python3 and 'requests': python -m pip install requests



First make sure to set your session variables in the script and configure your options.

./onlyfans-dl.py <profiles / all> <max age (optional)>

Session Variables

You need your browser's user-agent, onlyfans session cookie, x-bc HTTP header, and user-id. Here's how to get them

There are variables for each of these values at the top of the script. Make sure to update them every time you login or your browser updates.


A post with a single photo and video shouldn't be considered an album.\ Allow messages to be limited by age through a separate mechanism/function.