VoliJS / React-Type-R

Type-R Models binding to React
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React-MVx is the Type-R binding to React based on NestedLink React data binding library.

Contrary to the popular React approaches, React-MVx does not try to avoid the distributed mutable application state. Instead, it is focused on bringing stateful components capabilities to their maximum.

Key features:



Installation & Requirements

Supported browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE10+.

Requires react, prop-types, and type-r as peer dependencies. Installation (assuming that React is installed):

npm install react react-mvx type-r prop-types --save-dev

The best way to start is to use the boilerplate which already has babel, webpack, and the minimal set of required dependencies configured.

TypeScript is unsupported (yet) but may work.

Developer tools

The modified version of the React Developer Tools with fixes required for React-MVx is available in the Chrome Web Store.

MIT License. Used and supported by Volicon and Verizon Digital Media Services.