VolkerH / Lattice_Lightsheet_Deskew_Deconv

Open-source, GPU accelerated code for deskewing and deconvolving lattice light sheet data
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lattice lightsheet deskew and deconvolution with GPU-accelerated Python


This project provides GPU-accelerated python code for post-processing (deconvolution, deskew, rotate to coverslip, MIP projections) of image stacks acquired on a lattice light sheet microscope. If no supported GPU is present, all functions can also be run on a CPU.

The repository encompasses:

lls_dd command line tool usage

Sample session


Command-line options help

Run lls_dd --help to get an overview of the command line arguments and the main processing commands:

λ lls_dd --help

  lls_dd: lattice lightsheet deskew and deconvolution utility

  --home TEXT
  --debug / --no-debug
  -f, --fixed_settings TEXT  .json file with fixed settings
  --help                     Show this message and exit.

  process  Processes an experiment folder or individual stacks
  psfs     list psfs in experiment folder
  stacks   list stacks in experiment folder

You can see the arguments for process by passing --help after the experiment folder and process command:

λ lls_dd ..\..\..\Data\Experiment_testing_stacks\ process --help
Usage: lls_dd process [OPTIONS] [OUT_FOLDER]

  experiment folder to process (required) output folder (optional)
  Otherwise same as input

  -M, --MIP                 calculate maximum intensity projections
  --rot                     rotate deskewed data to coverslip
                            coordinates and save
  --deskew                  save deskewed data
  -b, --backend TEXT        deconvolution backend, either "flowdec"
                            or "gputools"
  -i, --iterations INTEGER  if >0, perform deconvolution this number
                            of Richardson-Lucy iterations
  -r, --decon-rot           if  deconvolution was chosen, rotate
                            deconvolved and deskewed data to
                            coverslip coordinates and save.
  -s, --decon-deskew        if  deconvolution was chosen, rotate
                            deconvolved and deskewed data to
                            coverslip coordinates and save.
  -n, --number TEXT         stack number to process. if not provided,
                            all stacks are processed
  --mstyle [montage|multi]  MIP output style
  --skip_existing           if this opting is given, files for which
                            the output already exists will not be
  --lzw INTEGER             lossless compression level for tiff
                            (0-9). 0 is no compression
  --help                    Show this message and exit.

Jupyter notebooks

Sample image volume and PSF file

The juyter notebook requires a sample image volume and PSF that is too large for Github. Download them here (dropbox links):

Documentation and explanation of the algorithms

The following notebooks illustrate the basic algorithms used and provide examples for batch processing.


Installation using conda + pip

Install anaconda or miniconda.

Create a conda environment llsdd:

conda env create -f environment_{...}_.yml

where {environment_{...}_.yml} stands for one of the two provided environment files. Choose environment-no-CUDA.yml if you do not have a CUDA-compatible graphics card. Choose evironment-CUDA.yml if you do have a CUDA compatible gpu. The latter will install tensorflow-gpu which will be essential for fast deconvolution.

Activate the new environment with conda activate llsdd.

Download and unzip or git clone this repository and install it:

git clone https://github.com/VolkerH/Lattice_Lightsheet_Deskew_Deconv.git
cd Lattice_Lightsheet_Deskew_Deconv
python setup.py install

You should now be able to use the lls_dd command line utility.

If the installation fails for pyopencl, see the paragraph on pyopencl in section Troubleshooting.


Errors due to lack of GPU memory

The post-processing of lattice light sheet stacks requires a considerable amount of GPU memory. In particular, the deconvolution is very memory hungry. See the discussion in the issues here and here. If you run out of GPU memory there are several troubleshooting steps you can take:

pyopencl installation and errors

For GPU accelerated deskew/rotate you need install OpenCL drivers for your GPU. Getting pyopencl (one of the required python dependencies) to work can be tricky. When installing from conda-forge it seems to be somewhat of a lottery whether the installed package works. On some windows machines where I did not manage to obtain a working pyopencl from conda-forge I found that uninstalling the conda-installed pyopencl and then pip-installing a binary wheel from Chris Gohlke into my conda environment did the trick.


Project History

This project was started in late 2018 with the intention to create an open-source solution because the existing GPU-accelarated implementation at the time was only available in binary form after signing a research license agreement with Janelia. Meanwhile, the Janelia code has been open-sourced and put on Github. Many of the features of lls_dd overlap with Talley Lambert's LLSpy which also handles batch processing of experiments and has additional functions such as channel registration and sCMOS sensor corrections that are not (yet) present in lls_dd.


Currently lls_dd is mainly leveraging on two libraries that handle the heavy lifting:

Sample image used on this page courtesy of Felix Kraus and David Potter (Monash University).


This library was written by Volker Hilsenstein at Monash Micro Imaging.

The code in this repository is distributed under a BSD-3 license, with the exceptions of parts from other projects (which will have their respective licenses reproduced in the source filegits.)