As a new user,
I want to sign up for an account,
So that I can access and use the library system.
Acceptance Criteria
AC 1 Signup Page Renders Correctly
Test: Verify that the signup page renders correctly when accessed via a GET request.
Expected Result: The page should return a 200 status code, use the correct template (users/signup.html), and contain a UserCreationForm in the context.
AC 2 Invalid Form Submission
Test: Verify that the form submission fails with invalid data (e.g., mismatched passwords) and displays appropriate error messages.
Expected Result: The page should remain on the signup form, show validation errors, and no user should be created.
AC 3 No Data Submission
Test: Verify that submitting the form with no data results in validation errors for all required fields.
Expected Result: The page should stay on the signup form with error messages indicating missing required fields.
As a new user, I want to sign up for an account, So that I can access and use the library system.
Acceptance Criteria
AC 1 Signup Page Renders Correctly
AC 2 Invalid Form Submission
AC 3 No Data Submission