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Virtual Library Management System

Welcome to VIL-MASYS, the Virtual Library Management System designed to streamline the management of libraries by providing a robust, user-friendly platform. Whether you are a librarian or a book lover, VIL-MASYS is built to enhance your library experience by bringing all the essential functionalities online.

Link to VIL-MASYS - Virtual Library Management System responsive

Table of Contents

Project Overview


This project serves as an educational resource, demonstrating the application of Python development skills in building a comprehensive web-based book issuance system. The project showcases how Django can be leveraged to create a scalable and interactive application, with a focus on user experience, data management, and thorough testing. In general, this project exemplifies how Python, Django, Bootstrap, and Cloudinary can be combined to build a functional, secure, and visually appealing web application.

Existing Features

Navigation bar

Main Page - Top 3 Books

Main Page - Website Introduction Features

About Page

Sign up/Login page

Book Suggestions Forms

Book Issuance System

Book Collection

Administrator CRUD Function

Footer with Social Media Links

Error Pages.

Extra Functions

Technical Design


Models Relationships


Backend and Frameworks:




User Authentication:


Tools and Utilities:



Main used Libraries

Testing and Fixing Bugs




Github Forking

Heroku Deployment


New app

  1. After creating the new app, you need to configure the settings.
  2. The first setting that needs to be done is to add your environment info to the platform so it will be able to access outside sources.

Settings CREDS

  1. Add the Buildpacks necessary to run the application, in this case, Python and Node.js in this sequence.


  1. After completing the settings, move to the deploy tab where you will configure the deployment setup.
  2. Connect your GitHub.
  3. Select your repository on GitHub.
  4. Connect to the repository.


  1. After all the settings above have been done, you can select to deploy automatically or manually.


  1. After pressing deploy, if all settings are correct, you should see it building the application.

Project being Deployed

  1. After all steps of deployment, a button labeled "View" will be shown, where you can click to open a new tab with the application.

Deploy done


Mentor: Harry Dhillon

Base template: Code Instutute: I Think Therefore I Blog

Book Covers: Created Using Canva

Book/Title Descriptions: Generated with ChatGPT