Volneirj / project_iv_ci

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Comprehensive Testing for Library Management System #36

Open Volneirj opened 1 month ago

Volneirj commented 1 month ago

As a developer I want to ensure that all components of the Library Management System are thoroughly tested, so that the application is reliable, bug-free, and provides a seamless user experience.

Acceptance Criteria: AC 1: All models within the application must have unit tests covering their string representations, default values, data constraints, validation rules, and CRUD operations.

AC 2: All views in the application, both for authenticated and unauthenticated users, must be tested for correct status codes, template usage, form handling, and user permissions.

AC 3: All forms used in the application must be tested for validity with both correct and incorrect data, including checking default values and data constraints.

AC 4: Integration tests must be conducted to ensure the interaction between different components (e.g., models, views, and forms) functions as expected under various scenarios.

AC 5: The UI components, particularly those built with Bootstrap, must be visually and functionally tested across different devices and screen sizes to ensure responsive design.

AC 6: Any external services or dependencies, such as Cloudinary for image management, must be tested for proper integration and error handling within the application.

AC 7: A test report must be generated after running the entire test suite, summarizing the coverage and highlighting any failed tests or areas requiring attention.

The following User stories are related to this EPIC

Volneirj commented 1 month ago

User Stories Related to this Epic.

User Story 23 - Tests About Page User Story 24 - IssueBookForm Validity Test User Story 25 - Automated Testing Managing Book App User Story 26 - Automated Testing Manage Book Suggestions User Story 27 - Comprehensive Manual Testing of Book Management Features User Story 28 - Test Home app User Story 29 - Automated Testing of Issue Forms User Story 30 - Manual Tests Issuing and Returning Books User Story 31 - Manual testing URL Issues APP User Story 33 -Automated Testing for User Signup Views User Story 34 - Manual Testing URL Users APP