Vonage-Community / tutorial-messages-node-express-save-sms-airtable

store SMS messages sent in from your users in an Airtable base and reply to them using the Vonage Messages API.
MIT License
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Save Received SMS Messages with Airtable and Node.js

Express.js application to log incoming SMS messages via the Vonage Messages API to an Airtable base.


Setup ngrok

Download and run ngrok from the terminal targetting port 3000 with ngrok http 3000. Take note of the ngrok URL.

Setup Airtable

Copy this pre-made Airtable base into your account. Take note of the base ID (If 'https://airtable.com/tblAuZ8qFuP2I8mDh/viwVyLmBMW772S9sd' is the URL of your Airtable webpage then tblAuZ8qFuP2I8mDh is the base ID).

Setup Vonage

# Search numbers that can send/receive SMS (replace GB for other regions)
$ vonage number:search GB

# Buy a number from the list
$ vonage numbers:buy NUMBER_FROM_LIST

# Create a new Vonage messages application
$ vonage apps:create "Application Name" --messages_inbound_url=https://7YOUR_NGROK_URL/inbound --messages_status_url=YOUR_NGROK_URL.ngrok.io/status

# Link your number to your application
$ vonage link:app --number=VONAGE_NUMBER APPLICATION_ID

Setup Express Application

  1. Rename config.json.example to config.json and populate with appropriate keys
  2. Install dependencies with npm install
  3. Run the application uing node index.js

Getting Help

We love to hear from you so if you have questions, comments or find a bug in the project, let us know! You can either:

Further Reading

Code of Conduct

In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we strive to make participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone. Please check out our Code of Conduct in full.


We :heart: contributions from everyone! Check out the Contributing Guidelines for more information.

contributions welcome


This project is subject to the MIT License