Vonage-Community / workshop-messages-rails-le_wagon_tokyo

Rails application demonstrating use of the Vonage Messages API for LE Wagon Tokyo workshop
MIT License
2 stars 3 forks source link

Vonage LeWagon Tokyo Workshop: Sending an SMS using the Messages API


To run this demo application, you will need the following:

Running the Demo

  1. Clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/Vonage-Community/workshop-messages-rails-le_wagon_tokyo.git
  2. cd into the repo directory and run bundle install
  3. Copy or rename .env.dist to .env
    • In the .env file, set VONAGE_API_KEY and VONAGE_API_SECRET using the equivalent credentials from your Vonage Developer account
  4. In the Vonage Dashboard, create a new application and enable it for the Messages API:
    • Set the the Application ID from that Vonage Application as VONAGE_APPLICATION_ID in the .env file
    • Download the Private Key to the root of the Rails application
  5. In the repo directory, run rails s
  6. Navigate to localhost:3000 and make some Messages requests by submitting the form.
    • Try swapping out the send_with_net_http invocation on line 9 of the SmsController for send_with_faraday or send_with_vonage_sdk