W-Wu / sTEER

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Time-weighted Emotion Error Rate (TEER)

Code for "Integrating Emotion Recognition with Speech Recognition and Speaker Diarisation for Conversations". This paper proposes a system that integrates emotion recognition with speech recognition and speaker diarisation in a jointly-trained model.

Two metrics proposed to evaluate emotion classification performance with automatic segmentation:


Data preparation

  1. Convert stereo audio to single channel

  2. Prepare reference transcriptions
    data_prep/iemo_trans_raw.py # generate raw reference transcription from the dataset
    data_prep/iemo_trans_organized.py # remove punctuation and special markers

  3. Prepare emotion label
    data_prep/iemo_lab_AER-cat.py # 6-way emotion classification label

  4. Prepare VAD label

    • Label used for training: intra-utterance frame-level speech/non-speech
    • Label used for testing: speech segments according to word-level alignment (silence at the beginning, between words and at the end are removed)
    • Convert speech segments to pyannote Annotation format
  5. Prepare training, validation, testing scp file


Train.py Train.yaml --output_folder=exp

Testing and scoring

  1. Forward windowed test dialogue
    Train.py Train.yaml --FWD_VAD=True --output_folder=exp
  2. Evaluate VAD performance
  3. Diariase based on predicted VAD
    fwd_drz.py fwd_drz.yaml --output_folder=exp-eval
  4. Compute DER
  5. Obtain segments for ASR and AER
    Train.py Train.yaml --FWD_DRZ=True --output_folder=exp
  6. Compute cpWER
  7. Compute TEER and sTEER
    prepare_emo_rttm.py # prepare rttm file for (s)TEER evaluation
    scoring/score_TEER.py # compute TEER and sTEER

N.B. Since the CTC loss function of PyTorch (torch.nn.functional.ctc_loss) may produce nondeterministic gradients when given tensors on a CUDA device, users may get slighty different results from those reported in the paper.
See https://pytorch.org/docs/1.11/generated/torch.nn.functional.ctc_loss.html for details.

Please cite:

author={Wen Wu and Chao Zhang and Philip C. Woodland},
title={{Integrating Emotion Recognition with Speech Recognition and Speaker Diarisation for Conversations}},
booktitle={Proc. INTERSPEECH 2023},