WANNABY / wanna-virtual-fitting-room-samples

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WANNA Virtual Fitting Room

WANNA Virtual Fitting Room (VFR) is a low-code solution with a customizable prebuilt UI. To integrate it into your website, you only need to add an iframe to the page. The user will be able to try on the products in real time using their smartphone camera and to explore the 3D image of the product on a separate screen.

Virtual Fitting Room lets the users try on footwear and watches in augmented reality. For watches, the size of the watch face is essential in the look. That's why the fitting room provides the tool to measure the user's wrist size, then loads the model of the appropriate size to let the user see a realistic picture of the watch on their wrist.

The 3D Viewer offers an ability to look at all sides of a handbag 3D model and get a feel for its size with the dimension rulers and objects that could fit into the bag.


In this tutorial, you will be integrating a fitting room that was already configured for you by WANNA engineers. You should have:

Virtual Fitting Room could only be comfortably used for virtual try-on on a smartphone. You probably already have different versions of your website for desktop and mobile devices, but if not, you will need to implement the selection on your side. For desktop version we recommend displaying a QR code with the link to smoothly guide the user to the virtual try-on page.

The 3D Viewer component may be displayed on both desktop and mobile devices.

Mobile: show the fitting room

The essential part of integration is simply to load Virtual Fitting Room into an iframe on the page or just open it in a separate page. Choose the look and user experience you would prefer. There are three main options:

We recommend the first option, as it ensures the best user experience and more likely conversion of try-on into purchase. Let's walk through the process.

First, create an iframe element on the page and put the link to your Virtual Fitting Room into its src attribute.

Important! The following permission policies apply:

  1. The iframe should have camera access. Specify it in the allow attribute, and the browser will ask the user for permission to access the camera.
  2. The current versions of most browsers will require explicit permission for web share in your iframe. Set it in the same allow attribute, as shown in the code snippet.
  3. For watch virtual try-on, the fitting room will additionally ask the user to allow access to their device specifications, including the IP address and some technical information. If they don't grant this permission, WANNA will be unable to show the wrist measurement tool and will use the watch models of the default size.
 const iframe = document.createElement('iframe')
// camera access and web share permission are required
iframe.allow = "camera; web-share"
iframe.src = vfrLink

Iframe settings

Add query parameters to the link to configure the component behavior. Virtual try-on and 3D Viewer parameters differ slightly.

Parameter Virtual try-on 3D Viewer Description
modelid +
a list
a single value, required
The model identifiers for the models that should be displayed in the component.
The default for virtual try-on is to show all the models available in the fitting room.
startwithid + - The identifier of the model that should be loaded first. Note that the order of the models won't change.
The default is the first model in the list.
showonboarding +
watches only
+ Indicates if the user will see a small tutorial at the start. If you use cookies to remember if the user has already interacted with 3D Viewer or tried on a watch, this parameter will help you show the tutorial only for the first visit of the user.
The possible values are: 3d for 3D Viewer, wristmeasurement for virtual try-on that lets the user measure their wrist before trying on a watch.
The default is to show no tutorial.
viewmode - + Specifies if the 3D Viewer is loaded on a desktop or a mobile device. It has small UI differences to improve the user experience. The possible values are: desktop or mobile.
The default value is mobile.
wristmeasurement + - Specifies if the fitting room should display the wrist measurement tool. Only makes sense for watch virtual try-on. The possible values are true or false. If you set it to false, the user will try on watch models of the default size, which is the low median of the available sizes for each model.
The default is false.
wristsize + - Sets the user's wrist size for watch virtual try-on, as an integer. Works only if wristmeasurement query parameter is true.
The default value is the low median of the available wrist sizes for the model.
locale + + The locale code for the UI language and metadata. If the specified locale isn't available, the default English locale will be used instead.


Show only two models to be tried on in Virtual Fitting Room, start with the second one, and display the interface and page metadata in German:


Show the tutorial when 3D Viewer is loaded and display the interface and page metadata in Italian:


Show the virtual try-on for watches with tutorial and wrist measurement tool:


Show the virtual try-on for watches with no tutorial, wrist size already known, and display the interface and page metadata in Spanish:


Get the current model ID

Note: This section only makes sense for virtual try-on, as in 3D Viewer you're always loading a single model and know its identifier.

It should be easy for the user to buy or add to favorites the model they're trying on. You may want, for example, to put an "Add to cart" button in the page footer. To do that, you will need to get in real time the identifier of the model that is being tried on now. Listen to events from the fitting room. Virtual Fitting Room raises the MODEL_SET event that contains the ID of the model that is currently loaded.

window.addEventListener('message', event => {
  if (event.origin === vfrOrigin /* the origin of WANNA VFR, for example https://demo.ar.wanna.fashion */) {
    const eventName = event.data.name
    if (eventName === 'MODEL_SET') {
      const data = event.data.data
      const model = data.modelId
      // use the model identifier, for example to find the link to the product page  

Save the user's wrist size

If the user returns to virtual try-on after they already measured their wrist size once, they wouldn't like to have to do it again. To save them from the annoyance, store the wrist size after successful measurement and pass it as wristsize query parameter next time you're loading Virtual Fitting Room for the same user. To retrieve the wrist size, handle the WRIST_MEASURED event from the fitting room and get the size it contains. The size is an integer number that isn't counted in real-life measurement units but only makes sense for internal use in WANNA SDK.

window.addEventListener('message', event => {
  if (event.origin === vfrOrigin /* the origin of WANNA VFR, for example https://demo.ar.wanna.fashion */) {
    const eventName = event.data.name
    if (eventName === 'WRIST_MEASURED') {
      const data = event.data.data
      const wristSize = data.size
      // save the wrist size somewhere so that you can reuse it  


The data property of the Virtual Fitting Room events has the following properties:

Event name Description Data properties
MODEL_SET The model that is currently loaded for try-on. modelId (type string) — the model identifier
WRIST_MEASURED The size of the user's wrist. size (type number) — the user's wrist size.

Important! Events are only available for iframe. If you're simply redirecting to Virtual Fitting Room, you won't be able to listen to events and obtain the model ID or the wrist size using this method.

Desktop: display a QR code

On the product page from which you would like the client to start virtual try-on, display a QR code that the client can scan with their phone and go directly to Virtual Fitting Room on mobile. Our sample uses the open-source QR-Code-generator library for demo purposes. Choose any QR code generating tool that suits you.

For the 3D Viewer component, integrate the iframe in the same way as you would on mobile. The only difference is that you set the viewmode query parameter to desktop instead of mobile.

The product catalog page with the button to start 3D Viewer could look like this:

catalog page with 3D view button

3D Viewer with desktop view mode on will look like this, with plus/minus buttons and a button for closing the viewer:

3D Viewer loaded with desktop settings