MirageXR is a reference implementation of an XR training system. MirageXR enables experts and learners to share experience via XR and wearables using ghost tracks, realtime feedback, and anchored instruction.
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User-generated input: 'editable' augmentations in PlayMode #469

Open wekitecs opened 3 years ago

wekitecs commented 3 years ago

In GitLab by @wild on Jun 15, 2021, 11:49

To support learners in capturing input, we might want to allow augmentations to stay 'editable' when switching to PlayMode. The author sets a check box "[x] entered by user" (or so). The learner is then prompted in PlayMode to edit the augmentation: take a photo, record a ghost, record an audio, etc.

This also is very relevant for the idea of 'activity templates' that form the basis for learning designs: https://platform.xr4all.eu/wekit-ecs/mirage-xr/-/issues/274

The user generated input, however, cannot be stored with the original ARLEM activity - every single 'user' of the activity will have their own data. The data shall be stored to Moodle, somehow magically linking it as 'assignments' results into Moodle and the database tables. Moreover, the storage URL / IDs of the content of the user should be linked to the according xAPI statements (fridolin recorded video > result: URL).

wekitecs commented 3 years ago

In GitLab by @a85jafari on Aug 6, 2021, 13:04

@wild But these playmode created contents will not be saved somewhere right? maybe only sending a rapport to xAPI?

wekitecs commented 3 years ago

In GitLab by @wild on Aug 11, 2021, 16:58

Needs discussion. I see several options: either we store the user generated content in the Moodle plugin in some sort of assessments table, or we foresee that the user uploads a new ARLEM (which contains the user generated content). In case of the latter, we still would have to link it somehow to the original resource - as some sort of submission. The xAPI is ultimately not the right place to store the user generated content - statements are not made for, e.g., uploading a video or uploading a ghost track. The xAPI should only store a link to the upload in Moodle.

wekitecs commented 3 years ago

In GitLab by @wild on Sep 10, 2021, 16:44

After discussion: some parts should be logged to xAPI, if there is more data, then xAPI log statement should link to Moodle URL with the data. User generated content data should be stored always in Moodle (but can, e.g. measured values, also additionally be stored in the LRS).