WGBH-MLA / stock-sales-2

Public Stock Sales Site
Apache License 2.0
0 stars 2 forks source link

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WGBH Stock Sales: http://wgbhstocksales.org/

The design of this site was guided by the realization that the clips just won't be the answer to most questions: We need to suggest the range of resources WGBH offers and get folks off on the right foot by just encouraging them to contact us.


git clone git@github.com:WGBH/stock-sales-2.git
cd stock-sales-2
rake jetty:config
rake jetty:start
ruby scripts/lib/ingester.rb spec/fixtures/fm-export-results.xml
# Or if you have exported from Filemaker locally:
# ruby scripts/lib/ingester.rb /tmp/fm-export.xml
rails server


Initial server setup has not been well-defined, though redeply and reindex are: The scripts run by Filemaker require that you have stock-sales.pem in place.


The backing database for the clips is a WGBH-hosted Filemaker database. It provides a script which exports the records, scps them to the server, and sshs to the server to run the ingest script.


The Filemaker database also has a script for redeploys. It does not actually depend on any information from the database: It's just a convenient place to put the script.

For the script to work, demo.wgbhstocksales.org must be included in the known_hosts file otherwise it will exit with a 255 error. The easiest way to add a host to the known_hosts file is to manually ssh in to the server at least once.

Video Clips

For clips described in the Filemaker database, the essence video file is ingested into the WGBH Stock Sales Sony Ci account. There, the essence files are hosted and lower-resolution versions are created automatically and used by the website. Files should be named the same as their id value found in the stock-sales-loose Filemaker database.

Ingesting Into Sony Ci

We are using Sony Ci to host the video and audio files. In the office we are using the Ci API to upload content, and on the server the API is used to generate transient download URLs. On either end, an additional git-ignored configuration file (config/ci.yml) is necessary.

username: [your ci username]
password: [your ci password]
client_id: [32 character hexadecimal client ID]
client_secret: [32 character hexadecimal client secret]
workspace_id: [32 character hexadecimal workspace ID]

Use your personal workspace ID if you are working on the Ci code itself, or the AAPB workspace ID if you want to view media that is stored.

To actually ingest:

Ingest from the command line should be done when you have multiple files you would like to upload. If you only have a file or two you would like to ingest, you can also use the [Sony Ci webite] (https://workspace.cimediacloud.com/account/login) directly. Make sure you have Ruby and rvm installed. Make sure all the files you wish to upload are in a single directory with no sub-directories inside.

$ cd /PATH/TO/stock-sales-2
$ echo /PATH/TO/FILES/* | xargs -n 10 ruby scripts/ci/ci.rb --log ~/ci_log.csv --up
$ # A big directory may have more files than ruby can accommodate as arguments, so xargs

That process will begin running but you won't have an indication of the upload status. The best way to do that is to monitor the log file you just created.

Open a new Terminal window to monitor your log file. By using tail you can see the last line of a completed upload to Sony Ci

$ tail -f ~/ci_log.csv
$ # Use tail to monitor the writing of the log file

After the ingest process is complete, review the ci_log.csv document and check that all the files were sucessfully ingested. All the files should have a unique Ci-ID value. If some files failed to upload, place them in their own folder and re-run the command line process. You should also check the [Sony Ci webite] (https://workspace.cimediacloud.com/account/login) after ingest to make sure no files have a "Failed" status. This isn't always obvious in the ci_log.csv file. If a file is listed as "Failed" delete it from the Ci website and reingest either from the command line or the website interface.

Once all the files have been successfully ingested, open the WGBH hosted Filemaker databse, stock-sales-loose, and create or update the video clip records with their new Sony Ci-ID values. These are found either in the ci_log.csv file if you used the command line to ingest, or they can be found by using the Sony Ci website.


These are created automatically within Sony Ci and available via the API.

Downloadable Clips

For every video clip available to view on the site, a WGBH watermarked downloadable version is also available. These files are created outside of the Sony Ci ingest workflow and are hosted on the Stock Sales Amazon S3 instance. These downloadable clip files should be named the same as the essence files they are created from. We're currently using Sorenson Squeeze to transcode. Watermarked video specs: H.264 codec, 360x240 resolution, 15 fps, Transparent "WGBH Stock Sales" watermark

Uploading to Amazon S3

You can use the AWS web interface to upload watermarked files, or collection images to the Stock Sales website but for uploading multiple files you should use the Amazon CLI tool. The transfer speed is a lot faster and large transfers shouldn't time out.

Follow the documentation to set up CLI with your Access Key, Secret Access Key, and Default region name.

The buckets are located under /content/

Copy Directory of Files to S3:

aws s3 cp /local/folder/of/stuff s3://wgbhstocksales.org/bucket-name -- recursive

Double Check Files Were Uploaded:

aws s3 ls s3://wgbhstocksales.org/bucket-name --recursive >> /Users/logs/s3_proxies.csv

Application Config Files

For some reason the config directory for this Stock Sales instance is found at /srv/www/stock-sales-2/config rather than in var like the other EC2 instances. If you're looking for the ci.yml file, it's located there.